Chapter Thirty-Two: Bait

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Welcome to the climax

You sighed and dropped your head down. You felt a hand squeeze your shoulder in reassurance. Kakyoin placed his other hand on your shoulder and began to rub them soothingly. You glanced at your phone that sat on the table in front of you, clicking your tongue before turning your attention to the door as Jotaro re-entered the room. He pocketed his phone as he rubbed the bridge of his nose and walked to the table where you sat and Kakyoin stood behind you. 

“The Speedwagon Foundation bailed them out of jail, worked out some things, and both of them are off the hook for now,” Jotaro said. 

“The hell they are,” You snapped. “I’m going back there.”

“You can’t. Not yet at least,” Jotaro grunted. “We still need you here,”

“And I have a pair of teenagers to beat the fuck out of!” You yelled. “They’re my assistants, therefore all of this falls back on me! They are my responsibility, and I let them get fucking arrested! God, I’m such a fucking moron for letting them leave in the first place!”

“This isn’t your fault, Y/n,” Kakyoin said, moving to sit beside you. “You had no idea this was going to happen.”

“I should have!” You said. “‘Stand users attract other stand users’! I told Kagome that! Now I feel horrible because I didn’t think about how inexperienced she was!”

“Keito was experienced. He finished Kagome’s fight, dragged her out of harm, and got messed up because he took a wrong turn. It’s been handled,” Jotaro said. 

You shifted as you chipped the last bit of your f/c nail polish from your fingers. “Are they hurt?”

“They’re fine. A little scratches here and there, but it’s nothing to worry about,” Jotaro explained. “So just calm down. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“There’s everything for me to worry about,” You mumbled, shaking your head. “But fine. I’ll stop worrying for now.”

“For now,” Jotaro scoffed.

“Stop it,” Kakyoin shot a warning glare to Jotaro, who glared back. He turned to face you. “I’m positive they’ll be fine. Keito has Kagome’s back, and she has his.”

“Yeah,” You sighed. 

“So what happened with Koichi?” Kakyoin asked, looking towards the ravenette man. 

“Dunno. Couldn’t find him.” Jotaro replied shortly. 

“Huh. That’s strange,” Kakyoin said. You tapped your fingers on the table. You needed to get out of there. You were too antsy to just be sitting around. An idea struck you and you stood up.

“I’m going to go hang out with Mr. Joestar and Shizuka for a while,” You stated. 

“Why?” Jotaro asked, raising an eyebrow at you. 

“Cause I’m bored.” You shrugged. “Plus, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him. I want to catch up with him.”

“Have fun then,”


“Wait, wait, wait-” You said, waving your hands frantically as your eyes widened. “What did you just say?”

“They never told you?” Mr. Joestar asked, peering at you from through his glasses. 

“No!” You exclaimed. You laced your hand through your hair. How hadn’t you known that?

“I’m surprised. I knew about your relationship with both of them, so I figured you must have known. I hope that doesn’t upset Jotaro,” He said. 

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