Chapter Five: This Seems Familiar

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"You didn't tell me you were leaving?!" She screeched on the other side of the phone, making you wince and pull it away from your ear. 

"I didn't think I had too," You huffed. "I called to ask you how you were feeling, and you traced my call?"

"Well...yeah...I've been getting weird calls lately okay? I wanted to make sure you weren't one of them!" She defended. 

"Weird calls?" You asked. 

"Yeah..l-like debt collectors and stuff. I-it's nothing to worry about," She said quickly. "So why are you in S-city?"

"I have a lead on a case," You said. "And I'm waiting for a taxi if you must know."

"Oh okay," Kagome said. 

"How are you feeling?" You asked. 

"Fine. I mean, nothing has happened since the other day, and my tests have been sent back out. They've released me to do everything again, but at this point, I don't think they're going to find anything." She said. "It was probably just a one-time thing. I probably ate something bad, and when I fell, the back of my earring stabbed me. It's nothing, really."

"Well, I still don't want you in the lab by yourself. If you go back there, have Yamamato-sensei in there with you. Is that understood?" You asked, looking up as Kakyoin called your name. 

"Yes, ma'am," Kagome said. 

"Good. I have to go now, but I expect a call if anything happens." You said. 

"Yes ma'am." You slipped your phone in your pocket before jogging towards the two males, slipping to the middle seat. Thankfully, this car was a little roomier than the ones you had previously been forced in with both men. 

"Is your friend doing okay?" Kakyoin asked as Jotaro told the driver your destination. You nodded, crossing one of your legs over the other. 

"She doesn't have any symptoms of anything. She says she feels normal," You said. 

"Do you really think she's a stand user?" Jotaro asked quietly. 

You tapped your fingers on your knee in thought. "I'm not sure. I came here to figure that out, I suppose. But even if she was, I don't know if Kagome could control it."

"What do you mean?" Kakyoin asked. "You don't think she's strong enough?"

You shook your head. "I've known Kagome since she was eight. She's too sweet to have a strong enough fighting spirit. It's like what happened with Seiko," You said, referencing to her stand that attacked her. "She's too gentle to harm anything or anyone. I'm afraid that she really does have a stand, and it's attacking her."

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Jotaro mumbled. 

"You know," You said. "You say that a lot and nothing ever works out. Like the submarine incident." 

"I had no idea that was going to happen," He defended. 

"Polnareff was driving so it something was bound to happen," Kakyoin said. 

"That's true," Both you and Jotaro mumbled. 

"So Y/n," Kakayoin said, turning his attention to you. "What made you do what you do?"

"You mean why I'm a forensic scientist?" He nodded. You shrugged. "I don't know. I wanted to do something to help people, but I didn't want to be a doctor. I wanted to be the person behind everything. Like a mastermind. I wanted to help people in a way not everyone was used to."

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