Chapter Thirty-Six: Dead Weight

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Enjoy me really not wanting to get to the main storyline so I gave a little joot fluff instead 👌

You looked over at Atlantis, unable to hide the smile on your face. It felt nice to know that he was back at your side, even if was because you were in imminent danger. You knew deep down he'd materialized again because you were fearing your life and while you wish he would have done it sooner, it was still a relief to know he was there to help you know. After all, Kira would be attacking soon.

When Atlantis had reverted time, you'd seen Hayato standing in front of Kira as he summoned his stand, ready to destroy the child. You knew that his stand allowed him to create bombs out of anything he touched, which was terrifying on its own.

Now, you were running around trying to gather everyone up at six in the morning. Your fingers tapped on the steering wheel anxiously as you waited on Okuyasu and Josuke to get in the car. You understood that it was early and they were still half-asleep, but you were kind of in a rush here.

"Quit doing that or I'm driving," Jotaro warned, glaring at you in the corner of his eye.

"I can't help it," You said, opting to grip the wheel until your knuckles turned white instead. You looked around for them. "They're taking too long, Jotaro."

"Give them two more minutes," He sighed. "You're so fucking impatient."

"Yeah, well, I got close to the murderer we're trying to catch here, stupid. I wanna find him and beat the hell out of him already." You said, starting the car.

Jotaro looked at you for a solid moment before uncrossing his arms. He extended a hand out to your face, his knuckles brushing against the scar under your eye. Your lashes fluttered against his finger as he brushed some of your hair back. He watched as your shoulders dropped and your grip loosened on the wheel. Jotaro opened his palm and cupped your cheek, swiping his thumb across your skin. It was a simple and affectionate gesture, but it helped you to release some of the tension building up. You leaned your head into his hand, sighing as you did. You flicked your eyes to Jotaro as you placed your hand over his. His eyes softened at the torn expression on your face. He'd seen it before; more times than he wished, and knew exactly what it meant.

"Stop," He mumbled. "You're doubting yourself again."

You laughed shortly and dryly. "I hate that you know that without me telling you anything. I do," Your voice was strained, and he could see the small frown tugging on your lips.

"I'll help you," He said. "You won't be alone."

You dropped your head as your shoulders shook. Jotaro turned in the seat and cupped your face with both of his hands. His eyes widened when he felt something warm and wet drop onto the back of his hand.

You were crying.

Your hands gripped his wrists and you quietly cried. Jotaro didn't know how to react. You hardly ever cried--around him at least. And when you did, Kakyoin was there to comfort you most of the time.

"Promise me," You whimpered, raising your head to look at him. Your hands slid up and you laced your fingers through his. "Promise me that all of us are going to live. Promise no one is going to die. Promise that everything will work out this time,"

Jotaro leaned forward and kissed under your eyes, making them widen from the gesture. Your lips parted in shock when he pulled back after kissing away the tears that had fallen from your eyes. He held your gaze and to your surprise, he smiled gently.

"I promise. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or anyone else," He said softly, making your lips tremble. You felt your heart swell up. "I'm going to protect you this time. I didn't before, and I fucking hate that I didn't. I won't let it happen again. I won't let you get hurt."

"Jojo," You whispered, gripping his hand tighter.

"I love you, Buttercup."

Your heart slammed against your chest so hard you feared Jotaro would hear it. You felt your face heat up, cheeks flaring up in a dark blush. You looked everywhere but his eyes. You hated that he had this effect on you. Four simple words and you were a blushing and stuttering mess.

"I-I love you too, Jotaro."

"Oi, oi! This is hardly fair you assholes! Unlock the car! It's cold as hell!" Both of you jumped at the sudden sound of pounding on the window and turned to see Kakyoin rapping on the window with two familiar teens at his side.

You scrambled to open the door and jumped out. Jotaro got out as well. You faced the raven-haired girl and the sandy blonde in shock.

"Surprise!" Kagome laughed nervously.

Your eye twitched.

"Oh fuck, here it comes," Keito winced.

You placed a hand on each of their shoulders, gripping them tightly as you closed your eyes and smiled brightly.

"Wh-why are you smiling?" Kagome asked, fear suddenly filling both of them. Kakyoin stepped away, nestling himself beside Jotaro, who rolled his eyes, pulling his hat down to hide his blush.

"When all of this is over," You said, opening your eyes. Kagome and Keito's eyes widened in fear and they hunkered down, tail between their legs. The intensity and burning anger swirling behind your smoldering e/c eyes made them cower under you. Not to mention the oddly calm look on your face, and the kind smile you had plastered on your lips made them feel like they had shrunk ten sizes smaller than you were.

"I'm going to properly punish both of you for getting arrested."

Kakyoin held a hand over his mouth, side-eyeing Jotaro, who was surprised as well. You looked oddly...terrifying.

"I kinda want to get arrested now," Kakyoin whispered.

You snapped your head to him, your smile widening. "Is that so?"

"Oh sh-"


Jotaro sighed and yanked his hat down as he turned his back to Kakyoin, who was begging for help in a strangled voice. You held Kakyoin in a chokehold, your back pressed against the car while his back was pressed against your chest. Your forearm was across his neck, restricting his airway. His fingers held your arm and he turned his gaze up to you, a grin curling on his lips. They were starting to turn blue.


He cut himself off as you put more pressure on his throat. "If you get hard, I swear to God I'll cut your dick off and shove it up your ass." You stated.

"T-that's h-h-hot-"

"U-um. Jotaro...she's...gonna kill him," Keito mumbled, pointing to Kakyoin's red face.

Jotaro pulled his hat down further.

"Not my problem."

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