Chapter Seventeen: Liar, Liar

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Your feet pounded against the asphalt, and Kagome would occasionally yell at you to slow down. Sometimes you forgot that you were faster than most people, and it came back to bite you in the ass. A lot. Pausing so Kagome could catch up, you wasted no more time before you were running again. 

You were racing against the clock. It was like you had a stopwatch in your mind, the ticks haunting you and warning you. You didn't know how badly they were hurt, you didn't know who they were facing, you didn't know anything. All you knew was that you had to get there as soon as you could. They were in danger again. This time, you were going to make it. 

"Y/n!" Kagome called, pointing to a sign. "There! I can hear yelling!" 

Kagome ran around the corner and you ran behind her, following her into an alleyway. Then, she stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes went wide and she gasped. You pushed her back and walked in front of her to see what was going on. 

Kakyoin was slumped against the wall, the bricks broken and cracked behind him. He had blood running down his face, and he wasn't moving. You felt your eyes widen before gliding a few meters away where Koichi was. You felt lightheaded. A hole was in his stomach, and there was a pool of blood under him. Jotaro was barely standing, blood on his face with what looked like bullet wounds covering his arms and leg. 

"S-sensei?" Kagome said, fear filling her as she took a step back from you. At the sound of your name, Jotaro looked over in surprise. Kakyoin groaned and peeled one of his eyes open as he tried to sit up. 

Your eyes were now narrowed, your gaze locked onto the blonde man who had been standing in front of Jotaro with a cocky grin. You were seething, anger radiating off of you. Your hands were balled into fists at your sides, your bag sliding off of your shoulder and dropping down to the ground with a heavy thud. Your body was trembling. Your body suddenly became wrapped up in a blue aura. The air suddenly became a lot heavier and Kagome looked over her shoulder as Josuke and Okuyasu arrived. 

"Sensei!" She called, voice shaking. You didn't reply, nor even acknowledge she was even there. 

You took a step forward, the sound of your boot echoing in the alleyway. As you did, a figure formed from you. Atlantis materialized beside you, and everyone around you gasped. Your image flickered and you were suddenly in front of the man, Atlantis's hand closing around his face and slammed him back on the ground, creating a crater in the concrete and for pieces of dirt and other things to fly up in the air. 

"Y-Y/n!" Jotaro said. You turned to him, tears welling up in your eyes, but it was like you had not emotion at all. He knew that look. He'd seen it before. Atlantis returned to your side, and you turned your head away from Jotaro, back to the man who caused all this. You glared down at him, hatred swirling within you. 

Kagome watched as Josuke and Okuyasu ran forward, rushing to help the injured while you took care of the man. Kagome stood there, frozen with fear. She wanted to move, she wanted to help, but she couldn't move an inch. She didn't know what to do. Everyone here had a stand they could use to defend themselves, but she didn't. She felt helpless, standing there doing nothing. She felt useless. She..she wanted to help too! She wanted to help them too!

Suddenly, it was like everything around her stopped. She felt something...pulling her gaze away. She looked away from Josuke and Okuyasu, and to you. She felt her eyes go even wider, eyes welling up with tears from shock and fear. The look on your face was something she had never seen from you, much less anyone else. She had only seen you mad a few times, but even then, it was nothing like now. Kagome had never seen you like this. You always were so But now, it was like you were a different person. Your hair was slightly raised in the air, swaying gently in the air that blew past you. Your eyes were darkened with hatred, anger, and..pain..? She could see the strained look on your face. 

She had to help you. 

But before she could even take a step towards you, Kakyoin was grabbing her shoulder. She looked at him in surprise. Josuke must have healed him while she was distracted. Kakyoin squeezed her shoulder. 

"Don't," He whispered, flicking his eyes to where you stood. "Y/n isn't herself right now. She may not recognize you, and accidentally hurt you."

"I have to help her," She whispered, tears flowing from her eyes. "She's hurting,"

"I know," Kakyoin said in a forced voice. "I want to help her too, but we can't approach her. Not all of us at least," She followed his gaze to Jotaro. He was struggling to stand, but he was still walking towards you. 

"She'll kill him," Kagome said, looking at the blonde on the ground. 

"No," Kakyoin said. "Jotaro will stop her before she can. Trust me,"

"Y/n!" Jotaro called, gaining your attention. Your hand dropped to your side as he walked towards you. You stood still, eyes flicking to the man. Jotaro raised a hand to your cheek and cupped your face. "Hey. It's alright," 

"He's gonna kill you," You whispered. "He's gonna kill you and Kakyoin."

"D-does she.." Kakyoin whispered in shock. 

"I'm gonna be too late," You whispered, body trembling. 

"You're here," Jotaro said. "You aren't too late. You saved us."

"Jo..taro.." Slowly, your arms curled around him. He gratefully held you against him, his hand on the back of your head, the other on the small of your back. He pulled you away from the man on the ground as Josuke and Okuyasu took over. 

"Wait," Kakyoin said, holding Kagome back as she tried running forward. Jotaro knelt down as your knees buckled. Your sob rang out in the air, voice breaking and body shaking horribly. "Shit!"

"It's just like her nightmares," Kagome whispered. "She thinks this is a nightmare!"

"It's okay, it's alright," Jotaro said, holdin you against his chest. 

"I've got you,"


"How is she?" Jotaro asked as Kagome walked out of the room. 

"Sleeping," She said, rubbing her arm. "I..I think you two should be in there with her,"

"What?" Jotaro frowned. 

"I-It's nothing bad," She said. "She just needs someone with her. She's never been able to sleep alone since I met her. It's like she has a sixth sense for when someone is with her, even if she is asleep."

"Why do you want us to?" Kakyoin asked gently. 

"Because...b-because she always calls out for you when she has nightmares. Y/n..she's...messed up. I think it's because of that trip you guys took. I don't know what happened, and the exact details, but it's left her with mental scars. She'll wake up, screaming one of your names in hysterics. She's even called that man, Dio, before. I remember hearing her yell it, and when I came in, her room was trashed and she was holding her side while she cried," Kagome explained quietly. "I think it would be better if she woke up with both of you there with her. I'm going to find Josuke and the others and make sure everyone is okay,"

"Be careful then," Kakyoin nodded. Kagome began to walk away, but stopped and called to them. 

"Please," She said, eyes begging them. "Protect Y/n. She's all I have,"

When Kakyoin and Jotaro walked inside, you were already awake and sitting up. Your eyes were half-lidded, looking down at your hands. You had this solem look on your face and your eyes were swirling with emotion. You looked up as they entered. 

"Hey," Kakyoin said, softly smiling at you. 

"You feeling alright?" Jotaro asked. 

You nodded. "Are you guys okay? You're not hurt anymore?"

"No, we're fine. Josuke used Crazy Diamond and healed us," Kakyoin explained, sitting beside you on the bed and Jotaro did the same. 

"How did you manifest Atlantis like that?" Jotaro asked. 

You looked down at your hands, grinning slightly. 

"You know, I'm pretty good at bullshitting."

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