Chapter Thirty-Five: Return

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Rohan opened the door for you, watching you as you stumbled in the room worriedly. If he hadn’t known better, he would have thought you were intoxicated. You, on the other hand, felt sick; perhaps worse than you’d ever felt before. Your vision was blurry and hazy, and you couldn’t see straight. Your hand throbbed in pain and your mouth felt dry. You couldn’t tell if it was the fear of having been so close to death once more or the fact that everything around you was spinning. 

“Come on,” Rohan said, gently grabbing your arm. He was confused. You had been fine earlier. He thought back to that man who was behind you. He was more than likely behind all this. Instead of taking you back to Jotaro and the others, should he take you to the hospital instead? He stopped you from walking into the elevator, pulling you back. 

“W-what are you doing?” You asked as Rohan raised his hand to your forehead. 

“You’re burning up. I’ll call Jotaro from the hospital,” He said. 

“N-no,” You said, shaking your head. You regretted it as your stomach swirled even more. 

“Y/n, you are running a fever,” Rohan argued. 

You smashed the button on the elevator and leaned against the wall on your arm. Rohan had a one-sided argument with you as you walked on the elevator, holding onto the railing tightly. 

Once you had gotten to the room, Rohan immediately tattled. “Jotaro, do something with your girlfriend. She’s running a fever!”

“What?” Kakyoin asked, looking up at you. Immediately, he stood up and placed a hand on your head. 

“I’m fine!” You snapped, pushing his hand away. Jotaro glanced down at your hand, frowning when he saw your skin had paled, and your veins were a little darker. He walked over to you, grabbed your wrist, and ripped the bandages off. 

Your hand was almost a paperwhite, and the veins surrounding the gash in your hand were more prominent and visible. The cut itself was bad, with the flesh around it turning pink, and the blood was a lot darker than it should be. Jotaro slid his finger down to the pulse point on your wrist. You looked up at him. 

“W-what are you d-doing?” You slurred. 

“45,” He stated, removing his hands from your wrist. Kakyoin hurriedly slipped on his shoes. 

“I got her,” He said. Jotaro rushed to do the same. 

“What’s going on?” Josuke asked, watching Jotaro and Kakyoin scrambled to get their shoes on. 

“Y/n’s heartrate if 45 beats per minute, which is 15 beats under what it should be,” Kakyoin said, swooping you up in his arms. You looked at him in confusion. 

“That’s not so bad though, right?” Okuyasu asked. 

“Not when Y/n’s heart doesn’t beat normally anyways,” Jotaro said, opening the door. “Let’s go.”


You had passed out in the car; Kakyoin rubbing circles into your back and playing with your hair had lulled you. When you awoke, you were staring up at a blank ceiling. You didn’t even remember passing out, to be honest. Your mind felt so foggy, it was hard to remember much of anything. You felt the IV running into your arm and the occasional squeeze of your arm from the blood pressure cuff, the wires attached to your chest, and the bandages tightly wrapped around your hand. Carefully sitting up, you looked down at the mop of red hair resting in your lap. Kakyoin was completely out cold. Jotaro was sitting in one of the chairs beside your bed, head beside your leg with his hat pulled down over your eyes. You looked at the clock on the wall, squinting in the darkness to read the time. 


It’d been around seven the last you remembered. Clenching your injured hand into a fist, then relaxing it, you repeated this several times as you looked about the room, bored. Strangely, you weren’t in any kind of pain. You were just a little tired and sore, but that was all. Looking at both men below you, you ran a hand through their hair. You sighed. Jotaro woke up.

“Hey,” He mumbled. “You’re up.” You nodded. 

“What happened?” You asked. 

“The bandages on your hand were laced with some kind of poison. The gash on your hand also had traces of a sedative.” He said, rubbing his eyes. “Your body was fighting it off.”

“Shit,” You cursed, looking at your hands. “It’s all because of” You suddenly trailed off. Jotaro grabbed your shoulder as your eyes unfocused. 


Kakyoin sat up. 

You blinked hard a few times. 
“What just happened?” Kakyoin asked. 

“He’s back,” You whispered. “He’s back.” You looked around the room. 


“He’s here,” You said quietly. You started yanking the cords from your body, the sound of velcro tearing as you ripped the blood pressure cuff from your arm and tossed it to the side. 

“Who? Y/n, stop. You aren’t making any sense,” Kakyoin said as you tossed the blankets to the side. 

You looked around before spotting your back of clothing. You crouched down and opened it up, dumping the contents onto the bed. You found your phone in the pocket of your hoodie. You turned on the flashlight and searched the room. Jotaro and Kakyoin were both still fuzzy with sleep watched as you walked into the bathroom, back out, looked under the bed, behind the curtains, and through the window. You went back to the bed, turning off the light before untying your gown. 

“Y/n, start explaining,” Jotaro grumbled as you started to get dressed. 

“I met Yoshikage Kira, and the family he disguised himself into,” You said, buckling your bra before slipping on your jeans. “I met Hayato, the son, first while I was out with Mr. Joestar. He told me who he was, then told me who his father was after I showed him my badge. I was supposed to meet him after school, and when I left, I ran into Kira and him. I fell back and sliced my hand on a broken bottle. He insisted that I go with him so his wife could wrap my hand. He then insisted that he walk me back to Rohan. He pulled his stand out and would have killed me if Rohan didn’t walk to us.”

“So are you saying that Kira is here?” Kakyoin asked. You shook your head as you pulled your hoodie over your head. 


Jotaro’s eyes widened as he pieced it together. That’s why he had felt that odd sense. The odd sense that this had occurred before. The feeling that he’d already said those words to you before. Like he knew what you were about to do: Pull the strings on your hoodie to hide the marks on your neck. 

And you did. 

“You reversed time,” He said. Kakyoin snapped his head to him, his lips parting in shock. 

A small smile formed on your lips. You walked to the door and opened it. Because of how late it was, there was no one else in the hall as you stepped out. Kakyoin and Jotaro followed you, their gazes following yours down the hall. 

The lights overhead flickered for a moment, sending the hall in darkness before illuminating it with a dull blue glow. Standing at the end of the hall was a translucent figure, one that was familiar to all of them. His head raised from the ground, white eyes glowing in the dim lighting. His light blue hair shifted slightly and his lips curled up into a lopsided grin. 


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