Chapter Three: Let's Go

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"You think a stand is attacking her?" Kakyoin asked, watching as you removed your glasses. 

"It's the only logical explanation," You replied, grabbing the styrofoam box and opening it. "No one else but the three of us was able to see the vein on the back of her ear." 

"What's that?" Jotaro asked, watching you take a petri dish from the box. 

"A substance the doctors pulled from her wound. They claim to have never seen anything like it before in a wound. They also found this," You held up the second petri dish. 

"Is that a piece of flesh?" Kakyoin asked in disgust. 

"Sure is," You replied, opening the dish and placing it on a microscope slide. "And I'm gonna find out what kind."

"There's something else that's on your mind," Jotaro said, making you pause. 

"I can't get anything past you, can I?" You mumbled, looking into the microscope as you adjusted it. "Before I left the room, Kagome said she saw you out of the window. I didn't think anything of it at first, but then I remembered what my lab is facing."

"Another building?" Kakyoin raised his eyebrows. 

''"Yep. So she made up some kind of lie so that I would leave the room." You said. 

"Can't you look back at the security cameras?" Jotaro asked, looking up. 

"They're not online," You said. "The company called us a few hours prior and told us they were experiencing a line of shortages. They were supposed to come and fix it this afternoon,"

"Are they going to?" Jotaro asked. 

"I dunno," You mumbled. 

"Find anything yet?" Kakyoin asked. You stood up, frowning at the microscope. "I take that as a yes,"

"It's human flesh," You said, removing the slide and carrying it over to a machine. 

"But?" Jotaro said, raising an eyebrow at you as you picked the piece of flesh up with tweasers. 

"But...the cells are dead." You said, swiping a cotton tip across it before storing it back in the petri dish. 

"Shouldn't they be if it was severed?" Kakyoin asked as you slipped the cotton swab in a tube then placed it in the machine. 

"No, well, I mean yes..but this...whoever this flesh belonged to," You turned to face them. "Has been dead for a while."

"You mean that came from a dead person?" Kakyoin exclaimed. 

You nodded. "And we'll know who it belonged to in.." You looked at your watch. "Six hours."

"What the hell are we supposed to do in that time?" Jotaro asked. You grabbed some papers that were by your computer, and an ink pad. You turned to face them, holding them both up.

"Gimme your hands,"

"What? Why?" Kakyoin asked, his cheeks turning pink. 

"I'm fingerprinting you," You replied, opening the ink pad. You took a pen from your lab coat and clicked it as you scribbled their names down on the sheet. "I need to fingerprint my lab, just in case someone did enter when I was gone, but since you have been in here twice, I need to eliminate you as suspects. Now, give me your hands." 

Neither of them moved. 

An annoyed expression crawled on your face. You snatched Kakyoin's hand, despite him yelling in protest and yanked him towards you. You pulled him into your back, making his arm reach behind you. You slipped your fingers through his and dipped his index finger in the ink before rolling it onto the sheet. You could feel him blushing behind you, knowing you were making him flustered by the tremble in his hands. 

"Don't even go near that door." You called, making Jotaro freeze up. "The same thing is going to happen to you."

"D-d-do you have to do it t-this way?" Kakyoin asked. 

"Since you refused to cooperate, yes." You said in a matter-of-fact tone. "I..can move..if you really want me to." You said a little quiter. 

"N-no.." He mumbled. You finished fingerprinting him, your hand lingering on his before you let go. 

"Come here, Jotaro." You said, hand on your hip as you beckoned the tall man. 

"I can fingerprint myself," The man said, pulling his hat down. 

"You'll do it wrong," You deadpanned. "Come. Here."

"You still act like a bitch," He mumbled as you grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the table. 

"You still act like a stuck-up child," You countered, grabbing his hand and rolling his finger in the ink before the paper. "Do you always act like this?"

"Yes," Kakyoin scoffed as he wiped his hands with the towel you gave him. "He's like a big baby. I feel like baby-sitter most of the time."

"Says the person who almost gets hit by a car daily," Jotaro quipped. 

"I hold no fear for cars," Kakyoin huffed. 

"How old are you two again?" You asked, snickering as you did. 

"Shut up. You have a cat plushie on your desk," Jotaro said. 

You gasped. "It is not a cat plushie! It's a Hello Kitty plushie!" You scoffed, taking the sheets from the desk and placing them on the scanner. "I can't believe you called my Hello Kitty that," You mumbled, your fingers gliding across the keys as you entered their fingerprints into your system. 

"Now who's acting like the child?" Jotaro chuckled. 

"Shut up!" You said, cheeks turning pink. 

"I'LL BRING THE UNDERWEAR UP!" You threatened, spinning to face him. 

His face turned red. Kakyoin looked at your devilish grin before looking at Jotaro's embarrassed face. "What?" He asked. 

"YOU NEVER TOLD HIM?!" You burst out laughing. "Oh my god! How did you never find out?"

"I'm so confused!" Kakyoin whined. 


"Don't you dare!" Jotaro yelled, jumping over the table after you. You squealed in surprise, running away from him as he chased you around the room. 

"JOTARO WORE DOLPIN BOXERS ALL OF SECOND YEAR!" You screeched as the taller man caught you by your waist. 

"Oh I'm gonna kill you," Jotaro said, grinning down at you with a shadow over his eyes from his hat. 

"Oh shit!" Kakyoin burst out laughing. Jotaro moved his hand to lift you up, his palm resting on your waist. 

You cried out in pain, making him immediately let go of you and step away in surprise. You fell down on one knee, your hand shooting to your side. 

"Y/n?" Kakyoin asked, his laughter long gone.

"What the hell?" Jotaro asked with wide eyes. 

"S-sorry.." You said. "I forgot to w-warn you.."

"Warn us?" Kakyoin asked, helping you back onto your feet, only to make you sit down in the computer chair. 

You nodded, your hand slipping under your shirt before lifting the side. A long, deep, scar stretched from behind your back around to below your belly button. A look a sadness and pain was on your face as you traced your finger above it. 


"From Dio?" You whispered. Kakyoin swallowed hard. "It hurts sometimes, and it's tender whenever it's touched. Everyone says it where all of my nerves were torn apart or damaged, and when they were healed, they healed very sensitively. I totally forgot about it until Jotaro's hand brushed against it. I'm sorry I scared you."

"No. Don't apologize. I shouldn't have grabbed you." Jotaro said, pulling his hat down. "We should get going," He turned abruptly and left the room. 


"Go after him," You sighed, sitting up in the chair. "I'll call you when I get the results."

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