Chapter Nineteen: Dangerous Woman

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I felt the need for more Joot content, so here you are loves.

2127 words of Joot and Splat.

Also, enjoy Mr. Joestar being a little shit like always :)

"Is that Y/n I see?" You stopped walking, taking a few steps back to look at the arrangements of tables outside of a cafe. 

Immediately, your face lit up and you smiled widely. "Mr. Joestar!" You exclaimed, changing your path to walk towards him. "It's so nice to see you!" You quickly hugged his side as to not disturb the baby sleeping in his arms. 

"It's been too long since I've seen you. Have you gotten taller?" He asked, straightening his glasses. 

"No, I think you just got shorter," You giggled as Kagome walked up behind you. "Oh! Mr. Joestar, this is Kagome. She's my assistant and has been working with me. Kagome, this is Mr. Joestar, Jotaro's grandfather, and Josuke's father."

"It's nice to meet you," The teen smiled, waving at him. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Good things I hope," He chuckled. "Please, sit down if you aren't busy," He pointed to the chairs across from him.

"Are you here alone?" You asked as you took the seat across from him. He nodded. 

"Josuke was here, but he had to leave with his friends," He explained. 

"I see," You grinned. "I'll make sure to kick his ass next time I see him."

"Still acting all tough?" He laughed. 

"Acting?" Kagome scoffed. "Sensei is scarier than anyone I know,"

"I'm not that scary," You chuckled. 

"Oh, trust me, my dear," Mr. Joestar said, shaking his head. "You would know real fear from Y/n when you've seen both her and her stand pissed off."

"About that.." You tapped your fingers on the table. "She's seen..part of it."

"That was only part of it?!" She exclaimed. "How much power do you have?!"

"Keep your voice down," You warned, sending apologetic looks to the passerby.

"Enough to tear a person limb from limb," Mr. Joestar said. "Easily."

"You..could..kill...people?" She asked, looking at you. 

"I couldn't," You said, crossing your arms over your chest as you sighed. "Atlantis could. And he would," You purposely left the part out that he has killed someone. 

"You could have been bad," Kagome muttered. "With that much power..."

You dropped your head. 

"But she chose to use it for the good," A familiar, and new voice added on. You raised your head to meet eyes with Jotaro as he walked towards you, Josuke and Okuyasu trailing behind him. 

"Hey, Jojo," You mumbled. 

"Kagome-senpai! Wanna come to get ice cream with us?" Okuyasu called. Kagome looked at you as if she was asking permission. 

"Go," You said, nodding your head towards them. 

"Call me if you need anything, ok?" She said, before turning and running after the two teen boys. "Wait up!"

"That girl is a stand user?" Mr. Joestar asked, watching Kagome run after the two boys, who stopped to wait for her. 

"Her stand hasn't developed yet.." You said quietly. 

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