Chapter Twenty-One: We All Fall Down

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Approximately thirty minutes before

You sighed, pulling Jotaro's arms around you tighter. He was sitting behind you, legs beside yours as you leaned against his chest. Star Platinum and Atlantis were in front of both of you, sifting through the sand like eager children. A pile of seashells they had already collected rested beside you, varying in size and color. Beside that pile was a handful of sea glass as well. 

"These are our fighting spirits?" You muttered to the man above you, both of you watching Star Platinum excitedly hold up a shell to Atlantis. 

"What the fuck.." He sighed, watching your stand flicker to the pile. He held it out to you and allowed you to hold it before flickering back towards Star. 

"Oh hey," You said, brushing to sand away from it. "This one's really pretty,"

"You've said that about every single one they've brought," He mumbled. 

"So? They're all pretty and you will tell them that or I'll drop you half-way in the middle of the ocean and tell you to swim back," You said, placing it in the pile with the rest of them. 

"I'm starting to think you like my stand more than you like me," Jotaro said. 

"Is there something wrong with that?" You asked. 

"Everything is wrong with that," 

"No there isn't,"

"Yes, yes, there is,"

"I don't think so," You hummed, smiling as Star showed you a piece of green sea glass he found. "See, Star brings me pretty things,"

"Hmph," Jotaro grunted.

"Are you jealous of your own stand?" You asked suddenly, laughing as you did. 

"Shut up," He huffed, tugging his hat down. You twisted around in his hold and grabbed the brim of his hat, pulling it up as you grinned at him. He glared with icy blue eyes in return. Your grin never failed as you leaned up and pressed your lips against his briefly.

"Don't worry, I still like you too," You said, pulling away as he frowned. "Oh don't look so disappointed, you big baby."

"The fuck did you just call me?"

"I could call you a tsundere again instead,"

"Oh hell no. We aren't starting that again."

"Why not?" You grinned devilishly, batting your eyelashes at him. "Cause you know it's true?"

"Shut up," He mumbled, cheeks pink as he pushed your face away. You dramatically fell back in the sand, whining as you did so. Atlantis and Star Platinum looked over to see what was going on, first noticing you on the ground, body splayed out like the starfish you had earlier, then back to Jotaro. Both of them gave him smoldering gazes, making him shift in the sand under the intensity. You watched this all happen before bursting out in a fit of laughter. You clutched your sides, eyes closed with tears forming as you heard Jotaro moving around, squirming under their gazes. 


You slowed your laughter into giggles as you sat up, curious as to who just cursed so loudly on the beach. Jotaro looked over as well, both of your stands dispersing into the air. Your giggles and smile soon faded out into a confused, yet curious look. Jotaro frowned deeply. 

"Where the hell are they?!" 

Josuke raised a hand to his forehead, a stressed and irritated look on his face as he looked around. Okuyasu searched around, calling out yours and Jotaro's name. 

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