Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Night Beyond Compare

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The room was dark, the only light being the flashing red alarm clock beside your bed. The curtains were pulled shut tightly, allowing no light inside of the room. You were laying on your back, blankets half-off of the bed, staring at the ceiling blankly. Rolling your head to the side, you read the clock beside you.

2:17 A.M.

You couldn't sleep.

You looked over at the empty bed beside yours.

"Sensei, is it alright if I stay with Josuke tonight? We were working on some stuff, and we completely lost track of time. No bus stations are open, and we're close to his house."

"Go ahead, but please be careful."

You sighed and looked back at the ceiling. You were tired, and you knew you should sleep, but you were afraid. You didn't want to close your eyes and then see what you always have. It was terrifying for you. You hated it.

Suddenly, you heard the small 'click' of the door opening before footsteps. You immediately shot up and turned the lamp on, flooding the room with a yellow light.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" You exclaim, watching as Jotaro nonchalantly walked into your room, Kakyoin trailing tiredly behind him.

"Kagome called us and told us to come in here because you were alone--move over--and you'd have nightmares," Kakyoin yawned, crawling into your bed. You looked at him in shock.

"Make yourself comfortable," You scoffed as he wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled into your side.

"Scoot," Jotaro said.

"What the hell? This bed isn't big enough for three of us!" You exclaimed, laughing as both men, who weren't the smallest and lankiest, tried to fit in your twin bed.

"Alright," Jotaro said, throwing the blankets from your legs.

"What are you-OHHHHHH! SHIT!" You asked, only to be cut off when he grabbed your legs, yanked you to the edge of the bed, then threw you over his shoulder. "What is it with you and throwing me over your shoulder all the time?!"

"Cause your stubborn," He said. "Let's go, Nori,"

"But I'm comfortable!" He whined, dragging the sentence out dramatically.

"Then you can sleep in here by yourself."

"I'm coming, shut the fuck up," The redhead huffed.

"Wait a second, how can I be stubborn if I don't even know what's happening? And how did you even get in here in the first place? I chained the door shut," You asked as Jotaro started walking out.

"Our room--bigger bed, Kagome, and Hierophant," Kakyoin said, following after Jotaro, closing the door behind the three of you.

"It's two in the morning, you know that right?" You asked, propping your arm on Jotaro's back and placed your chin in your palm.

"So what?" Jotaro asked, opening the door to his room. He walked to the bed, and you saw Kakyoin jump on it before Jotaro threw you gently before climbing in beside you.

"Normal people don't do this," You said, turning to lay on your side. Kakyoin tossed his arm over your waist, snuggling his body to yours. Jotaro faced you.

Kakyoin scoffed. "Do we look like normal people?"

"Shut up and go to bed," Jotaro grunted.

"Oh my god, your hat is off," You gasped, raising your hands up to his head. You brushed your fingers through the silky black strands.
Jotaro glared at you. You grinned back and pulled his hair.

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