Chapter Six: Fear Factors

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"L/n-Sensei," The officer from earlier knocked on the door as he opened it. You turned to face him as he entered. "I got the copies of the files for you, but Officer Higashikata has already gone home. Do you want me to page him?"

"No, don't bother him off work," You said. "When is his next shift?"

"He'll be in tonight at eleven P.M.," He replied, handing you the manilla envelope. 

"Alright. I'll be back then. I'm going to some of the crime scenes to look for any evidence left over." You said, grabbing your coat. 

"Okay. Thank you for letting us know," He bowed his head. You did the same. 

"Thank you for allowing us on this case. We should get going. Let's head out," You looked back at Kakyoin. He nodded and followed you from the room, then out of the building, making sure he held the door open for you. 

"Where are we heading first?" He asked, sticking his hands in his pockets. You flipped open the files, your eyes scanning over the locations. 

"We'll go to this one--362 High Avenue--first. It's just around the block." You said, closing the file and tucking it under your arm. 

"Do you know your way around here?" Kakyoin asked, falling into step with you. You tilted our hand back and forth in a so-so motion. 

"Kinda. I've been here once before; when I was looking into that cold case from fifteen years ago." You said. 

"The one about the girl and her dog?" He asked, to which you nodded. "Did you find anything?"

You shook your head. "I was at a complete dead end. There was no evidence, no DNA or fingerprints that would lead us to the killer. We eventually gave up, and started a new case. I hated having to drop it so easily, but there was nothing we could do. The case went cold real fast." 

"Are you going to re-investigate?" He asked. 

You shrugged. "If something comes up, then maybe. But as of right now, I'm not going to. I feel bad for the girl for being murdered, and for her family never getting the answers they deserved, but there's nothing I can do without evidence."

"Is this the place?" Kakyoin asked, looking at the old building with caution tape in the doors. You looked at the address, matching it to the one on the files. 

"Yeah. Here, put these on. The building is old, and there might be rats inside." You said, kneeling down and digging through your backpack. You held out a face mask and a pair of latex gloves. Kakyoin took them, and once you both were ready, you walked to the door. Kakyoin reached out, jiggling the doorknob before turning to you. 

"It's locked," He said. 

"Move," You said, pushing him out of the way. You put one hand on the doorknob, then put the other on the edge of the door. You hit the door with your hand, pushing the door as you did. It creaked and cracked, slowly swinging open. Kakyoin looked at you in shock. 

"How the hell-"

"The wood was rotting. If one of us would kick it, it probably would collapse." You explain, stepping through the 'x' of caution tape. 

"Is it even safe for us to be in here?" He asked, following after you. 

You looked up as a rat ran across a rotting wooden beam. "Probably not. We should probably put these on too," You mumbled, taking out safety goggles and handing a pair to the redhead. 

"Are you going to pull out a hazmat suit next?" He asked, slipping the glasses on. You took your glasses off and stuffed them in the pocket of your bag, doing the same. 

"If it's radioactive, then yeah sure." You replied, looking around. 

"If it's freaking radioactive we're getting the hell out of here," Kakyoin said in disgust. You crouched down and picked up a piece of glass with some tweasers. You held it up to the light, spotting a droplet of red on the end. 

"Now where's the fun in that?" You asked, standing up as you dropped the glass in a tube.

"What's that?" Kakyoin asked, looking around you. 

"What's what?" You asked, turning to look. 

"That," He said, coming to stand beside you and pointed to something on the ground. It was a dark stain on the floor, making the boards rot even more. 

"That, my friend," You whispered, eyes looking around you, making out where each piece of furniture once sat. "Is exactly what I needed." 

"WOAH!" Kakyoin yelled, grabbing your arm, stopping you from walking across the beams. "What are you doing?! You're going to fall!"

"No I wont," You said. "Just watch." Kakyoin hesitantly let go of your arm, his hands up as he watched you balance on the board. You could tell he was nervous by the way he held his hand out, ready to grab you if you fell. You took slow steps across the beam, one foot in front of the other as you held your arms out for balance. You turned around once you reached the other side, grinning truimphly. 

"See? I didn't fall." You said, looking around. "Now where-" The floor under you creaked, making a sinkining feeling fall in your stomach. You looked up at Kakyoin with slowly widening eyes. A startled scream passed over your lips as the floor collapsed under you, and you went down with it. 

"Y/N!" Kakyoin yelled. A green and white tendril shot out and curled around your wrist, suspending you in the air. You watched the pieces of the broken flooring fall into the cave below you. Your breath caught in your throat, seeing the ladder that ran down the side. It was a hidden burrow, probably where Angelo killed other people before dumping their bodies. 

"Kakyoin," You called, casually looking up at him as he rushed to the side of the hole. "Would you mind letting go?"

"Are you fucking crazy?!" He shouted, eyes wide as he looked down at you, Hierophant Green beside him, holding you in the air. "You'll die if you drop down!"

"But there's a ladder," You said, pointing to it. "That means there could be evidence down here."

"This is not a Scooby-Doo episode!" He yelled. "There's no way in hell you're going down there!"

"Why not?" You asked. His eyes were wide. Were you serious?

"Did you hit your head?!" He asked, using Hierophant to pull you back up. Once you were in his reach, he grabbed your other arm and pulled you up.

"I would have been fine you know," You said as he stood up and helped you up, making sure the spot you were standing on was steady. "I do stuff like this all the time."

"Have you lost your mind in the last nine years?" Kakyoin asked with wide eyes. 

"I dunno," You said, holding your hand up and showing him the piece of floor you snagged. "But I got some blood samples I can run."

The look on Kakyoin's face made you grin widely behind your mask. 

"I think I'm the one that's gonna have the heart attack,"

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