Chapter Twenty-Nine: Car Radio

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Kakyoin and Jotaro watched you from across the room carefully, worry, and concern in their eyes. You sighed, dropping the shirt you'd been holding to the floor before turning on your heel to face them.

"Is there a reason you keep staring at me?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Jotaro muttered but didn't continue on. You rolled your eyes and turned back to your bag as you searched for a shirt to wear for the day. And to cover up the marks on your neck. They were light (surprisingly) but they still needed to be covered. God, how the teenagers would freak if they saw you walking around with hickeys on your neck. Especially after you'd been alone with both men for the night.

"Are you sure your alright?" Kakyoin asked, for what seemed like the hundredth time just in the hour.

"Yes," You said, settling for a white turtleneck, and you would wear some black pants with it. "I'm fine. It was nothing."

"You didn't act like it was nothing," Jotaro said, glancing at the marks behind your ears. You covered it with your hair as you turned your back to them.

"It was just a dream," You said, pulling your tank top over your head. "It's not bothering me anymore, so it shouldn't bother you either."

Kakyoin looked at your side; the way you lifted your shirt over it, your body slightly tensing. "It hurts, doesn't it?"

You didn't reply. You sat on the edge of the bed as you slid your shorts off and tossed them in your bag. You slipped your legs through your jeans before pausing. Kakyoin sat beside you.

"Get lost horndog," You said, tugging your jeans around your hips.

"I'm not being a horndog," He sighed. "I'm...examining."

"Don't ever say that to me again," You said, glancing at him in the corner of your eye. Kakyoin ignored you and gently pushed your shoulder back so you'd be laying on the bed. You huffed and glared at him as your shirt was lifted slightly. Kakyoin placed a hand on your side, just a few centimeters away from your scar. You clenched your jaw tightly when he flicked his purple eyes up to you.

"What can I do?" He asked. "I want to help settle the pain."

You could feel the prickling sensations, a new wave of pain being brought with each pump of your heart. Kakyoin's hand felt as it was burning into your skin, and you thought your side might start singeing. Your breath was caught in your throat, a lump forming there and not allowing you to talk. You wished he'd move his hand, even just away by a few centimeters, just away from your side before you freaked out. Thankfully, your wish came true.

"Stop touching her for one," Jotaro said, grabbing Kakyoin's wrist and removed his hand from your body. "Can't you see she's uncomfortable?"


"It's fine," You said, quickly tugging your shirt down. You stood up and fixed your outfit.

"But, Kakyoin is right. We should do something if you're in pain," Jotaro said.

"I'm not!" You snapped, finally fed up with all of this. "I said I was fine, so leave me the hell alone! You should be worrying about yourselves and not me!"


"I'm picking Kagome up," You said, seizing your coat from the rack before walking out of the room, slamming the door behind you.


"Excuse me, is Josuke and Kagome here?" You asked the woman, who you assumed to be Tomoko, Josuke's mother.

"Oh! You must be Kagome's mentor. Yes, they're playing video games in the living room. Would you like to come in?" She asked, smiling politely at you.

"Thank you," You said, slipping your shoes off at the door before following her inside.

"Would you like anything? Water, tea, coffee?" Tomoko asked, pausing by the kitchen.

"May I have some tea?"

"Of course! The living room is right over there. I'm sure you can hear them yelling. I'll bring this in there for you,"

"Thank you again," You said, bowing your head before walking towards the living room. Tomoko was right, you could hear both of them shouting at each other, yelling commands, or telling each other to fuck off. It was....entertaining, to say the least. You stood in the doorway, watching both of them with a grin on your face.

"Here you go," Tomoko said, handing you a mug.

"She didn't cause you any trouble, did she?" You asked, looking at her. The woman laughed quietly, keeping her voice down as to not alert the two teens that you'd been standing there.

"No, no. She was very helpful actually. She helped Josuke with some of his schoolwork and even offered to help me cook and clean this morning. She's such a sweet girl. Is she related to you?" Tomoko asked, looking at you with a head tilt.

"Huh? Oh. No. Kagome and I aren't related by blood, but I did care for her when she was younger. She's like a little sister to me," You said.

"I figured as much. You look too young to be a mother,"

"I could say the same to you. How did you even manage to raise Josuke? He seems so...chaotic."

"Oh, believe me. I've wanted to strangle that boy more times than I can count!"

"I'd say so-"


You and Tomoko turned your heads, after failing to notice that they had paused their game and were looking at both of you. "Oh. Hi,"

"Hey, Y/n-san!" Josuke chirped, waving to you. You laughed and waved back.

"Mrs. Higashikata is it alright if I borrow Josuke for a few hours? He's been helping me with something recently, and I could use a fresh pair of eyes," You asked.

"Of course! And please, call me Tomoko!" The woman smiled at you, before turning to scold her son and told him to behave himself.

After everyone had gotten in the car, you started it up before leaning across Kagome and opened the glove box. You shifted through it before taking a disk out and placed it in the CD reader.

"Is this Prince?" Josuke asked immediately. You looked at him in surprise. The song had just barely started; four seconds in to be exact.

"Yeah. Do you listen to him?" You asked, laughing as you put the car into gear.

"Duh! I love this song!"

Seeing as what happened last night, you were glad you were able to calm down a little. Maybe you had lashed out a little harshly on Jotaro and Kakyoin, but you just couldn't stand them crowding you so much. You loved them, you really did, but sometimes they needed to worry about themselves. Especially if something happened and you couldn't do anything to help them. You were probably just aggravated. You didn't like people touching your side, especially after you had a nightmare, because it made you think of other people.

However, you didn't put much more thought into it. You let yourself relax a little as you drove around town, singing 'Raspberry Beret' with Josuke and Kagome. The song faded out, and 'Paisley Park' started playing, you forgot all about what was on your mind. After all, things would go back to normal, like they always did.


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