Chapter Twenty-Two: My Atlantis

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"W-what do you mean by that?" Josuke asked, turning to look at you with wide eyes. "I-is that even possible?"

"The arrow," You whispered. 

"The arrow?" Josuke repeated, frowning. 

"It gave him more power," You said, eyes shaking with fear. "Atlantis is more powerful."

Kakyoin turned to look at the stand. Jotaro grabbed Kagome and pulled her away by her collar, doing the same with Okuyasu. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" Kagome yelled, thrashing around. 

"Stop!" Jotaro yelled, frightening her enough for her to stop moving. "Would you fucking listen for once and look around you?"

"That's Y/n's stand," Okuyasu grunted. 

"Wh-what?" Kagome snapped her head towards where you were on your knees, Kakyoin and Josuke on either side of you. Then, she looked to Atlantis, and she went rigid with fear. 

That's why Jotaro pulled them back. Atlantis was terrifying to even him. As soon as he laid eyes on him, he knew something had happened. It wasn't hard to put the pieces together and for him Your eyes landed on Kagome's stand just as it disappeared. She broke away from Jotaro and ran to you. Okuyasu grabbed her arm and used The Hand to get there faster. Kagome fell in front of you, throwing herself in your arms and wrapping her arms around your neck tightly. You held onto her tightly, feeling her shaking in your arms. From adrenaline or fear, you couldn't tell, but it didn't matter to you. She was okay, so that's all you cared about.

Jotaro appeared beside you, his hand coming to rest on your back. 

"Are you alright?" Kagome sniffled, wiping her eyes. 

"Stop worrying about me," You said as you stood up, your arms slipping from Kagome. "We need to get out of here."

"What?" Okuyasu asked. 

"Y/n explain," Jotaro said. 

"I can't control Atlantis...but...I can feel him. I feel his rage, his power...his plans. I don't know what he's going to do, but I'm scared. He's...he's too...powerful. I don't know! We need to get out of here!" You yelled, turning to face everyone. Your eyebrows were laced together in worry, eyes filled with fear with a small tremble in your lips. They could see your hands shaking. 


That's when you felt it. The tug. Your image flickered, and you were suddenly beside Atlantis. You looked down with wide eyes, meeting gazes with Keito. He was on his knees, and Atlantis hand his hand on his head. By the looks of it, Keito couldn't move. You've seen him to do this before. 

"Y-Y/n...stop...I'm sorry, please...make it stop. I-I'm scared," He begged, tears falling over his cheeks. You felt your heart throb in your chest. You wanted to kneel down, hug him, and tell him it was okay. You wanted to comfort him. But you couldn't move either. Your body felt like it was locked in placed. 

"Y/n," Keito's lips trembled, his sandy hair falling in front of his face. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to do it. A told me he'd kill everyone! I was only supposed to bring him Kagome! Please! Stop! I can't! I'm too afraid!"

"I have to protect her at all costs," Atlantis's voice was smooth, calm and...familiar. "Kagome is staying alive, and you'll die instead."

Your eyes widened. 


He didn't listen to you...

Because the last thing you said before being struck by the arrow...

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