Chapter Nine: Please, Explain.

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"Y-Y/n..?" Kagome asked, now full of anxiety as she watched you push your glasses up in a tired way. 

"Just...give me a second," You sighed, closing your eyes. "Good grief.."

"What's going on?" The teen whispered.

"Kagome, I'm going to explain something to you. It sounds absolutely insane, but you trust me, don't you?" You asked, opening your e/c eyes to look down at her on the bed. She slowly nodded. "Good. For now, just listen to what I'm about to tell you, okay?"

"O-okay," She said. 

"What you saw, was not a ghost, spirit or anything like that. What you saw, was a physical manifestation of someone's soul. It's called a Stand. It represents your fighting spirit, or instinct, and they are personified by your life energy. Depending on how strong your mental strength and how strong your fighting spirit is determines how strong your stand will be. Stands present themselves in a variety of forms, and the people who wield them are called Stand Users. Stands are not only limited to humans, but animals and other objects as well. Unless they are bonded to an object, Stands usually are attached to their users body so any damage the Stand takes, the user will be effected as well. If your Stand is gravely injured, then you will be as well. When a Stand user dies, their Stand does as well, and vice versa," You explained. "And Stands can only be seen by other Stand users."

"H-how do you know all t-this?" Kagome asked with wide eyes. 

A blue aura surrounded you as your stand manifested beside you. Atlantis stood with his arms crossed over his chest, the brass plating on his wrist and the top of his hand clinking against the amour on his shoulders. Instead of the almost toga outfit he wore before, he now adorned a pair of white pants and golden plating going down the side of his legs. He stood beside you with a calm look on his face, his cerulan hair falling down in front of his glowing white eyes. 

"This is a Stand, Kagome," You said, watching her eyes widen even further as she looked your stand up and down. "Since you can see him, it means that you are one as well. I theorize that you became one when you collapsed on the floor in the lab. Me and a few friends identified the wound as an arrow prick, so I believe that you were pierced by an arrow that had the ability to give someone a Stand. The person that broke into the lab was no doubt a Stand user hunting for the arrow that pierced you."

"I...I have one of those?" She asked, swallowing hard. 

"Yeah," You said. "You didn't see a second one, one that may have protected you?"

She shook her head. "N-no.."

"It's alright," You said, sitting on the bed beside her. "Sometimes, it takes a while for your Stand to manifest physically. Atlantis didn't appear to me in a physical form until I was shoved against the wall and immobilized. He showed himself, and since then, he's always been here,"

"Y/n," Kagome asked, looking up at you. "Those two men, Kakyoin and Jotaro, are they..?"

"They're Stand users as well," You nodded. "The real reason we went to Egpty wasn't for a vacation. Jotaro's mother was ill because of a curse another Stand user put on their bloodline. We took a fifty day trip to Egypt to kill this man, and to free their bloodline of his curse. If not, Jotaro's mother would have died. Stand users are everywhere, and there are some in this town now,"

"W-will they come after us?" The girl fiddled with her hands. 

"Stand users attract other Stand users, so more than likely," You said, standing up as Atlantis vanished. "But we won't have to worry about this town's users."

"What?" Kagome asked, watching as you picked something up off your desk. "Why?"

You turned around, holding up a different cellphone than normal. She then realized it was hers. She caught it as you tossed it to her. 

"Because we're leaving."

"What? Y-y/n! W-we just can't leave!" She objected quickly. You retrieved a new suitcase from under your bed and tossed it open. 

"Sure we can," You said. "I've done it twice. Now get dressed and get a pair of shoes on. We're staying the night in your dorm, then we're going to sign you out in the morning on employment matters, then we're off to the airport." 

"Y/n do you know how insane this sounds?" She asked, standing up as you placed a few pair of jeans in the suitcase. 

"Kagome," You said, looking up at her as you stood up straight, pushing your glasses back down. "Everything I just explained to you sounds insane, I get that. But when you're attacked by a Stand user no one else on your campus can see, and your left defenseless, the crazy old people in this town will lock you up in a mental hospital. Just trust me here. I have more experience with this kind of stuff than I'd like to admit, but things are gonna be different from here on out."

"I'm..." She sighed. "I'll get my shoes," 

"Wait," You said. You put your hands on your shoulders before pulling her into your chest. She immediately hugged your back, burying her face in your shoulder. "I know this is all a lot to take in so suddenly, but I promise you this. I'm never going to let something bad happen to you. I'll never let you get hurt, and I'll never let you be scared again. I'll make sure you're alright, and nothing will stop me, got it?"

"Y-yeah," She said, sniffling. 

"Now let's get going. It's late and we need to get up early," You said, pulling away and putting your shoes back on. 

You glanced over at Kagome, who was sleeping peacefully in her bed with the covers pulled up to her chin. You glanced at the clock, seeing it was almost time for you to wake her up. You knew you should have slept, even if it was a little, but you just couldn't. You were afraid. Paranoid. 

Sighing heavily, you closed your laptop and stood up, flicking the lights on as you did. You shook Kagome awake, telling her to get dressed quickly and once she was in the bathroom, you called Jotaro.

"We need to talk," 

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