Chapter Sixteen: All Work!

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Kagome, yet again, groaned very loudly from the opposite side of the room. You heard a harsh 'bang' and some rattling of metal. You turned and glanced over your shoulder, looking at Kagome as she hit her head on the table repeatedly. 

"Nothing. Nada. Zip," She said, banging her head between each word. "Why the hell do I have such a big brain if I can't use it?!"

"You're overthinking it," You said, turning your attention back to the screen that was scanning DNA. "Look away, then come back to it."

"I can't! If I do that then I'll never get it done!" She exclaimed, slamming her hands on the table. "I need coffee,"

"No, you don't," You said, quickly snatching her mug away before she could grab it. "You've had six cups in the last hour. You're gonna die of a heart attack."

"I'll eat some popcorn kernels and get cremated so it's cooler. Give me my mug, woman!"

"No! Your machine is beeping!" 

"It is?" She asked, looking behind her. You stashed the cup under your desk and covered it with your leg. "You tricked me!"

"Work, Kagome, work!"

"It's always all work and no play!" She whined, falling in her chair. 

"It'll be playing when we get some answers," You said. "Cause you and I are doing this by ourselves."

"Huh? Why?" She asked, sitting up. "What about Kujo-san and Kakyoin-san?"

"I told you before, they don't know about my stand," You explained as you worked. "No offense, but you don't stand a chance by yourself. You still aren't able to clearly manifest your stand so you'd be dead if you were in a fight with another stand."

"Your stand is really powerful, isn't it?" Kagome asked, balancing a finger on the tip of her finger. 

"Was," You corrected. "After not using him for so long, Atlantis has become weaker. He's still strong, don't get me wrong, but it's not like it used to be. All those times I set back time really left a mark,"

"Do you have a limit?" She asked. 

"I can do it as many times as I want. If I want my physical body to go back, I can only go back 24 or fewer hours. If I want to go back mentally, then I go about a week. I can only reverse time once per day if I don't want any kind of backlash. After that, the more times I use it, the weaker I become. If I use it too many times, then I could die." You said. 

"Woah," Kagome mumbled sitting up. "You can do that?"

"I don't like to, but yes,"

"What? How come you don't like to? That sounds awesome to do!" She exclaimed. "I know I'd use it!"

"No, Kagome. It sounds philosophical, but playing with time isn't fun," You said quietly. 

"Why? I could go back every time I made a mistake! I don't understand why you don't like it," She said. 

"Cause every time I do, someone has died," You snapped, making her eyes widen. "I only ever used it when I was too late. And even then, it was too late."

"...Avdol..." Kagome said softly and quietly. "Wasn't it?"

"I had to choose between him and Kakyoin," You said, gripping the table. "I saved Kakyoin, and I wanted to save him, but I couldn't do it both at the same time. No matter how hard I tried, how many times I thought of all the possibilities and choices, there was no way I could have done it. I wouldn't have even got to Avdol in enough time. And because of that, he died."

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