Chapter Twenty-Six: Play Ball!

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Keito blinked at you stupidly. He raised his finger and pointed at himself. "M-me?" He asked, looking around like you'd been talking about someone else. You tossed the wood chip in the air and caught it again as you nodded. His eyes followed the chip. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. 

"How do you expect me to help?" He asked, breaking his gaze away from the chip before he got vertigo from watching it fly in the air. 

"You have a stand," You said. "Which means you're more help than I am right now. Besides, you said you wanted to help them didn't you?"


"No buts," You cut him off, the wood chip resting in your palm as you stopped tossing it. "You wanted to help, so you're going to help. Your stand is pretty powerful, isn't it? It can change the velocity of an object, right?"

Keito nodded, raising his hand to the back of his neck. "Yeah, but...I don't think I can be much help here. That guy can trap people's energy in a photo so they can't leave the frame of the picture. Plus, the picture can't be destroyed without everyone inside getting torn apart." He dropped his hand. "I can't do anything to help that. Even if I were able to increase or decrease the velocity to try and break through the barrier, and we did get in, there's no guarantee that we could get the others out as well." 

"I really hate it when you're smarter than me," You mumbled, dropping the wood chip. "Sorry guys, there's nothing we can do out here."

"H-hey...guys! He's got a knife!" Kagome yelled, backing away. 

"Jotaro, stop standing around!" Josuke yelled, turning to his nephew. "Your Star Platinum is really powerful, isn't it? Do something, anything!"

"Sorry, but I'm gonna have to throw in the towel," Jotaro said, pulling his hat down, so a shadow was cast over his eyes. You frowned and walked to the barrier. "Any kind of damage we do to this man will only come back on us. Star Platinum can stop time, but there's really no point. It'd be a waste of energy."

Jotaro had been in this kind of situation before, you remember. In Egypt, he was unable to harm a certain stand user without the damage coming back on his grandfather. 

Josuke trembled in place. "I don't believe it. What are you saying? HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST YOUR MIND?!" He shouted.

Suddenly a draw opened, and a knife rose from it. "Oh great," Kagome mumbled, her back pressing against Josuke's. "He's got a knife."

"Kakyoin-san, can't Heirophant Green do anything?" Josuke asked. 

Kakyoin shook his head. "Unfourtanelty not."

"Man, this is bad!" Josuke exclaimed, summoning Crazy Diamond as the knife rushed towards him. His stand seemed to phase right through it. "I can't stop it, Jotaro!"

"I've given up on stopping the old man," Jotaro said, placing the photo in front of the camera. "However, if he's being honest and it can control any photograph he's in, then maybe the best solution is to take a photo of him by himself."

The old man yelled in frustration. Josuke examined the knife, Kagome peering around his broad shoulders as he touched it, and it dropped to the floor. 

"You found a way to side-step my attack entirely! Dammit!" The old man yelled. 

"Josuke, why don't you give our friend here a nice send-off. And make sure you put some style to it." Jotaro said, pointing to the photograph. 

"Not so big and bad now are you?! You big bastard!" Josuke yelled but gasped as the photo floated up in the air. 

"I see you're both very capable users. You definitely have some experience fighting these abilities," The old man pointed at Jotaro, who frowned. 

"Remember, that old prickly bitch is still a ghost! He can get out of the picture!" You said. 

The man rushed to the camera, but Jotara was quicker and used Star Platinum to destroy it. He then picked the photo up and started to bend it.

"We need to make sure you behave yourself and stay put," Jotaro said as he bent the photo in half. "There's something in this house you really don't want us to find. That's why you're attacking us with so much fervor, isn't it?" He then closed it completely, folded the seam, and then wrapped it in tape so that Kira's father couldn't escape. 

"Oh I get it," Okuyasu said, peering at the taped up photo as Jotaro pinned it to the wall. "If the picture is bent, he can't escape."

"That's right," Kakyoin grinned.

"Let's not forget our purpose in being here," You said, stepping into the room with Keito. "We need to finish searching inside the house. I'll go to the back end, and the rest of you can search through these rooms. Kagome, Keito, you two are with me."

"Yes ma'am!" They said in unison. As Kagome passed Josuke, she gave him a reassuring smile before following after you. 

"Sensei," Keito said, quickening his pace so he could walk beside you. "What do you think Kira is hiding that is so important?" 

You sighed. "I'm not sure. But we're going to find out. Split up in these three rooms. If you see anything out of place, yell. Kagome, fill him in on the profile we've created."

"Yes ma'am," They both nodded as you entered a room. 

"What's going on with her?" You heard Keito ask Kagome in a hushed voice. 

Kagome sighed. "A lot. But, we don't have time to sit and chat about it. We're on a case,"

"You know just as well as I do that something is wrong with her, and it's making her a less effective," Keito said. Kagome was silent. "Listen, if you're still mad, I can make it up-"

"Don't bother. I'm only here to work on a case with you. Don't think I'll be so accepting of you trying to murder me on multiple occasions," She said. "Now let's get to work. We don't have much time."


"What the hell is going on?" You asked, coming out of the room with a look of shock.

"No idea," Kagome muttered. 

"Let's go find out then," Keito said, already walking down the hall. You and Kagome followed after him, coming to see Okuyasu furiously apologizing and Jotaro standing by the door. Your eyes flicked to the wall where the picture had been. 

"Oh, son of a-"

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