How You Met

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You were at you local public library, just browsing the shelves lined with (fav. genre). You weren't sure what book you wanted to check out yet, so you just kept looking. You suddenly found (fav. book), even though you've read it several times over and practically know it from cover to cover, you just loved rereading (fav. book). As you reached for the book, your hand brushed up against someone else's. You quickly withdrew your hand as did they. You turned and were met with a pair of large emerald green eyes.

"A-ah! S-sorry, I-I didn't know you wanted that one too." It was a boy. You thought he was shy, but kind of cute. He had green hair and four freckles on each cheek.

"No, it's fine." you said, politely waving away his apology. "I've read that book for what feels like a hundred times."

"R-really?" He seemed a little surprised.

You smile. "Yeah, it's my favorite in fact." You stood there for a second in awkward silence, neither of you making eye contact. "Hey um, I'm (Y/N), what's yours?"

"Oh, um, I-I'm Midoriya." he stuttered out.

"It's nice to meet you."


You were walking down the sidewalk, enjoying your time outside. You looked in front of you and saw an ash blonde boy in the middle of the sidewalk. He was on his phone and not paying attention. You tried to pick the side with the most room so you wouldn't bump into him.

But you did anyways.

"Watch where you're going, extra." he growled.

"You should be the one to watch where you're going." you snapped. He stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to face you. "You're the one who's unaware of your surroundings."

"You lookin' for a fight or something?"

You stared into his red eyes that burned into yours. He eventually rolled his eyes and moved on, leaving you behind.

"Hey! Where're you going?" you called.

"None of your d*** business." he snapped. You hurriedly caught up with him, trying to match his long strides.

"An a**hole like you got a name?" you asked him. He growled.

"Why do you need to know?" he angrily asked you.

"Because I asked." you said defiantly.

"Bakugou, now leave me alone."

"I'm (Y/n). It-"

"Don't you dare say it was nice meeting me. 'Cause it wasn't." he interjected.

You stop walking and watch him carry on down the sidewalk until he leaves your line of sight. You scoffed and turned back around. "Rude."


You were at your favorite cafe, waiting for your drink. You had ordered (fav. drink) like you always do. As you were waiting, a boy with dual colored hair entered through the front door. Half was red, the other was white. From where you sat, you watched as he walked up to the counter, order, and pay for his item. You soon heard your name called, so you left your table to go and get your (fav. drink). You watched the mismatched boy sit at a table that wasn't too far away from yours. You thought he was interesting and wanted to get to know him.

Cup in hand, you carefully approached the opposite side of his table. Right as you were standing across from him, he looked up and met your gaze. Even his eyes were mixed: grey on one side, blue on the other. 

"Is this seat open?" you asked kindly.

"Considering no one else is sitting there at the moment, I would assume so, yes." he said. His voice was slightly monotone, but it didn't really bother you that much.

You pulled the seat out and sat in it, taking a sip of your (fav. drink). You two sat in an awkward silence for a moment, until you decided to start a conversation. "My name's (Y/n), what's yours?"

"I'm Shoto Todoroki," he said. "It's... nice to meet you." You thought he seemed to be struggling to find proper words, like as if he never talked that much.

"It's nice to meet you too."


You were out in the park that day. It was nice outside, not too hot with a nice breeze. You had with you your dog, (Dog name.) [A.N: If you don't have a dog, just pretend 'kay?]

(Dog name) suddenly saw a squirrel and took off running, the leash slipping through your fingers.

"Wait! (Dog name)! No! Come back here!" You chased after your dog who had treed the squirrel. You pulled on your dog's leash to get it away from the tree, but s/he was stubborn and refused to move away until s/he got the furry rodent.

"Need some help?" a voice asked you. You turned your head, a few strands of your (h/c) hair in front of your vision. It was a boy with spiked red hair and sharp teeth.

"Yeah, (Dog name)'s really after this stupid squirrel." You said as you continued to pull on your dog's leash. The boy grabbed a hold in your dog's collar and pulled it away from the base of the tree. The squirrel no longer in sight, your dog stopped barking up the tree.

The redheaded boy crouched down to your dog's level, giving them pets. He suddenly looked up to you, making eye contact.

"Sorry, I should have introduced myself first shouldn't I?" he said, apologizing. "Name's Kirishima."

"I'm (Y/n)," you said, and with a giggle, you added, "This is (Dog name), s/he's usually not like this."

"It's fine." Kirishima said, standing up. "It's nice to meet you (Y/n)," He briefly looked down at your dog. "Same goes to you (Dog name)."


You were at an arcade, looking for a game to play. You finally came across (fav. game). You slid in the required amount of tokens to play. In almost no time, you became totally immersed in your game, almost completely unaware of your surroundings. In just a little bit of time, you soon beat the highest score. You gave a shout of excitement for your victory, and as you took a couple steps back from the console to gaze upon your victory, you accidentally bumped into a guy.

"Oh! I'm sorry." you said, apologizing. "I didn't see you."

"Ah, no worries." he said. He had yellow hair with a black lighting bolt streak. He then nodded his head towards the flashing console. "(Fav. game), huh? I have to say I'm pretty good at that one."

"Really? Well, I just beat the highest score." you said proudly.

"No way,"

"Yeah, look." You showed him the scoreboard where you left your initials. "That's me."

"...Aaand that's me." he said, pointing to the one directly below yours. You snickered. "It's not funny!" he complained. "I'm not going to let someone beat me at my own game."

"Oh really?" you said, raising an eyebrow. "You're on."

You two went back and forth playing the game, until he gave up, saying you were the clear winner.

You laughed, and shook your head. He seemed kinda ridiculous, but you found it charming. "I'm (Y/n), and you are...?"

"Kaminari," he said, playfully giving a theatrical bow. "I'm so pleased to finally meet someone of culture."

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