Part 33

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My body is itching, it feels like parasites are crawling under my skin. I scratch, and scratch and scratch, it doesn't stop. Something is eating up my body from the inside.

I run back and forth in the cell, trying to make it stop. Trying to make the pain go away. All I feel is a constant fireinside my bones.

I look down at my bloody fingers, this has been going on ever since I woke up two hours ago. Kenji and some Androlious men walked in to wake me up since he doesn't miss an opportunity to torture me.

My bloody arms are filled with scratch marks. The emotional pain is gone though. All I feel is anger. I'm so angry, at everything.

I feel the need to just get it out but I don't know how that's supposed to happen.

Fucking stupid Kenji. He could've just as easily transferred my memories as he talked about but nope, he had to do this.

He'll pay. I'll make sure of it.

I slam my fist against the wall and the pain takes my mind off the itching. All I feel is the warmth of the blood forming on my knuckles. I punch the wall once more. I'll take it out on the wall.

I punch. And punch. One more. Something cracks. I keep going. I can do this. It'll help. It helps. It takes away the itch.

"Oh calm down Rambo!" Kenji interrupts me by grabbing my elbows, my back is pressed against his chest.

"Let go of me you disgusting piece of shit," I yell and start to kick and scream. "Don't touch me with those filthy hands!"

I can feel his chest rise and sink as he's chuckling at me.

He did this to me. "I would offer you to take a shower but what I have in mind will make it useless."

I throw my head backward and manages to strike his nose. He loosens the grip of me to rub it. I take my chance and start to rush to the door.

My body bumps into two Androlious guards. I fall hard to the ground.

"Well, that was something," Kenji says while standing above me. "This will be fun." He bows down and grabs my arm to drag me up. One of the men grabs my other a and they lead me out.

"I'm not doing anything for you." I spit out. "I don't care about anything anymore, you made sure of it."

Kenji is still smiling. "Well, you feel something. The serum isn't really that successful my dear, sorry to break it to you. Your parents failed."

I shake my head. He actually thinks I care about this stupid serum. I don't. Couldn't care less. Cause I don't care anymore.

"Miranda is in the lobby." The man to my left says. I wrinkle my nose and watch him. His eyes aren't sparkling. Is he human?

"Good, Telus?" Kenji looks towards the man leading us. He turns around, his eyes are normal as well. "Go get the audience please. I've waited a long time for this." The man nods and stops away.

"Are they human?" I nudge my head towards the left guy.


"So why don't they have sparkling eyes? Is that some sort of decoration at Androlix?"

We walk into the headquarters that's been totally redecorated. The chairs are drawn to the walls of the room. A small wall has been placed creating a circle in the center of the room.

"Oh, it's for the rulers only. It's tracking our every move." He gestures with his hand for me to enter the circle. I obey.

"They can see through your eyes?" Kenji walks away as an army of armed men appears around the wall. Keeping me from escaping.

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