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It's already 12 midnight Nayeon is still outside trying to find a signal. She sigh and look around. She is stuck at the island with someone who look like Jeongyeon.

She sit down at the sea shore while looking at her phone. She flinched when someone sit beside her with a can of orange beside her.

"You can have that" Kyungwan said while smiling at her. Nayeon nodded her head and she open it.

"Nayeon is your name, right?" Kyungwan asked and Nayeon nodded her head. Kyungwan watch Nayeon she drink the orange juice.

Kyungwan can feel his cheeks are turning red and he look away. It's dangerous to look at her he feel like he is going to fall for her.

"Can you tell me about your boyfriend?" Kyungwan asked that made Nayeon look back at him.

"I told you he look like you. Honestly his lips and eyes similar to him. The voice and the way he act, he really look like you" Nayeon said while staring at Kyungwan.

"Why is my heart beating so fast when I look at you?" Kyungwan suddenly said while staring at Nayeon's eyes. Nayeon blushed and she look away.

"Jeongyeon, he was invovled at a plane crashed 3 years ago. He said that he is

"Strange, I was invovled in an accident 3 years ago. See this cut, it is the prove" Kyungwan said that made Nayeon look back at him and look at his eyebrow.

"They said that I was in the ocean that time  fishing with my little sister when a plane crashed beside us" Kyungwan confessed and he feels like his heart is going to burst.

Nayeon is still listening to him but she is already nervous that he might be Jeongyeon.

"I loss my memories, I can't recognize anyone and I feel like I'm lost" Kyungwan said while looking at Nayeon.

Nayeon is already crying, she is already convince that Kyungwan is Jeongyeon. Kyungwan slowly touch Nayeon's cheeks and he wipe her tears.

"I'm so confused Nayeon. I'm starting to think that I am Jeongyeon but I'm not sure. They said that I am Naeun's big brother" Kyungwan said while he caress her cheeks.

Nayeon hold his hand and smile sweetly to him.

"Then let's find out" Nayeon said and Kyungwan smile at her. Nodded his head.


Morning came, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung decided to contact Nayeon to tell hee something but something is not right. They can't contact Nayeon that made them worry.

"Babe have you contact Nayeon noona? We need to do something" Tzuyu said while looking at Sana who is busy on her laptop.

"Babe are you listening?" Tzuyu asked again but he flinched when Sana suddenly jump and she even hit Tzuyu's shoulder.

"What the f-"

"Omg Nayeon and Jennie are here in Hawaii. Did you call her?" Sana asked while her eyes are shining.

"Uhm no I was asking you if you contact her. I can't call her and it says that it's out of coverage" Tzuyu said while looking at Sana.

"Let's contact Jennie" Sana said and she immediately chat Jisoo to get Jennie's number.

Meanwhile Jennie is still worried about Nayeon. She can't stay still and she is walking back and forth that made her friends felt dizzy.

"Nini Sana chat me, she want your number" Jisoo while she is showing Sana's message.

Jennie quickly gave her number and a minute Sana called.

"Are you with Nayeon?" Sana asked

"Yes but she is-"

"Omg omg can you please tell her that we should meet! We finally found Jeongyeon!" Sana said that made them widen their eyes.

Jennie start to get nervous. Lisa is still calm but deep inside she is also nervous about what will happen.

"Sana she is missing since yesterday" Jennie said that made Sana trip over the chair. Tzuyu quickly catch her with a worry in his eyes.

"Be careful"

"Nayeon is missing?" Sana said that made Tzuyu raise his eyebrows.

"Oh my gosh" Sana look at Tzuyu with a worry in her eyes.


"They can't get Jeongyeon away from me!" Yuju said to Jungkook who is the private investigator that Nayeon hire.

"I'm not here to listen your obession over him. I'm arresting you for aducting Yoo Jeongyeon" he said and he is going to hand cuff her when she said something.

"If you get Jeongyeon then the little girl will suffer. She thought her brother is still alive! How could you to do that to her!" she said

"Shut up, Jeongyeon needs to go where he belong" he said and he drag Yuju out of the stall.

"The little girl will be alone if you arrest me! She will get hungry! And also she will lost Kyungwan!"

"I said shut up! I have the proof that he is Jeongyeon. You lie to the police just to get what you want. You're done at your lie. Now get in we will find Jeongyeon and Nayeon" he said and he push Yuju to the police car.


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