~Chapter 2~

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Narrator's perspective

     Shifting outside the house and feeling the air hit your face was exhilarating for Camille who has done this everyday since the moment she turned. Hayley always told her and hope at how much it will hurt on the first full moon but now, she keeps doing this again and again. She let her paws dug a trail on the dirt while she speeds off to pass by the trees swiftly.

At one glance, she frowned and slowed down. Camille saw a cloaked figure eyeing the school by the distance, she could clearly see it. Instead of warning anyone in charge, she went behind a tree and got herself clothed to confront them.

"Hey." She called and once the figure turned around, she still couldn't see their face by the hood. "Who the hell are you?"

The figure put her palm up and chanted, Camille dropped to her knees while had her hand on her head from the pain. She lets out a scream of pain and an aneurysm wasn't in her plan when she became a hybrid. Once she had enough and the anger got the best of her, she sped to this mystery person and snapped her neck in seconds. Camille panted and held her chest from the sudden attack.

Her head snapped to a twig snapping and saw Hope, looking like she wanted answers. That was the last thing she saw before her own neck snapped and she fell on the ground.

// // //

Okay so dying first in the woods was definitely not in her list of things to do. Especially when she woke up, she was surrounded by many witches and her family was stuck in a circle. A barrier spell kept them from killing every single on of the said witches.

She didn't even notice that Hope was the one who made her comfortable until she wakes up.

"Camille." Klaus snapped his neck once he saw his daughter awake, finally. He knelt down to her and asked, "Are you okay?" Though it seems that the heartless original Hybrid had lost his touch, he is always concerned for his blood especially daughters.

She nodded and looked around, confused when a coven of witches are surrounding them. "They're planning on sending us away." A voice behind her and she seemed surprised but not at all impressed by their situation.

"Aunt bex." She gaped and the woman gave her a small hug and studied her niece's feature which seemed to change so drastically. Kind of like an image of Rebekah and that was saying a lot.

Marcel and Rebekah were travelling the world, that was what she heard but it got cut short when a bunch of witches jumped them and took Rebekah. Klaus' voices of demand didn't go unnoticed to the family but ofcourse, they were powerless.

Hope, Freya and Davina is trying to think of a way to break the barrier spell but then again, there are more than 10 witches here and they seemed more than determined to accomplish their task. Elijah managed to balance his problems with his nieces and on getting out of here.

"Sending us where? Being here is already a pain. What more can these witches do to torment us." Camille asked, walking close to where the barrier line was observed it well. She turned around and met her sister's eyes that she once had no problem looking at but now was different.

"She had a reason, you know." Rebekah started, noticing the look her niece gave to her sister.

"Yeah yeah we all had our reason. However, I'm not interested in understanding the said reason." She said as a matter of fact before touching the barrier and yes as expected it's still up. "She knew how much being a witch meant to me and Hope took it away from me. It will take a lot more than apology to—" Her words trailed when she saw figures by the woods. Josie gave a gesture of silence, meaning that she shouldn't tell anyone. "—To gain my trust again."

𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱𝘀 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now