~Chapter 9~

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Narrator's Perspective

Hermione aggressively placed her books down the table and sat down with the same energy. She saw a familiar girl walk in the class and gave her a wink before she sat down besides the Siphoner witch. A boy from their class looked at the girl in question of her mad mood today.

"What happened to you?" He asked, didn't even notice that he struck a nerve. He backed down when Hermione gave him a harsh glare.

Josie looked at her bestfriend that was eyeing Hermione from across the room. Couldn't supress her jealousy but kept her smile. "Oh no. What have you done now?"

"Hm... Got a girl head over heels for me. Only that she won't admit it." She chuckled and propped her head to her palm, gesturing that it's Hermione indeed.

"You compelled her to admit? That's not very nice." Josie said rolling her eyes which was half-meant.

"Oh I actually didn't. I told her if she wanted to do whatever she wanted, she should. I didn't need to compel her because she already lunged herself forward to me." She shrugged, feeling the soft lips of Hermione lingering on hers.

"That's... Surprising." Josie mumbled and looked over the witch who was looking directly at her bestfriend with a glare.

Before Camille could even ask what was surprising, their professor, Professor Slughorn entered the class and told them to go to the front while he prepares something from his desk.

Josie smiled and dragged a non-energetic Camille to her so they can go by the side. They didn't even have to learn, That was what Dumbledore told them since their education was not a priority to them. Albus made sure that the Professors won't make them demonstrate or put them on the spot in class, didn't want to expose of their true nature.

A very bored and out of her mind Camille voiced out the Professor's voice while she just stared on the ground near the table. She desperately wanted to leave and just sleep for an eternity or even tease Hermione for what she did yesterday. Their eyes shot to the door where Harry and Ron came in, rather flushed for being late.

Camille grinned and waved teasingly to the boys who looked at her in question for what she is doing here. Slughorn told them they can get their books by the shelves and continued to discuss whatever brewery was in the small pot.

She even heard him praise Hermione for describing the potion which rendered as useless to Camille, she didn't understand this and will never use it anyways. She suddenly smelled her bestfriend's perfume making her cough.

"Why do you have to use such perfume on a morning, Jo?" Cami whispered, annoyed that she got attacked by the strong scent.

She didn't notice Josie looking at her in shock. The potion was Amortentia and Josie was definitely listening because she smelled her bestfriend's shampoo. Her cheeks went red and looked away, distracting herself.

"...For example, I smell strong perfume, mint, blood?" Hermione stated and she mumbled the last part as a question which nobody heard, thankfully. Slughorn thanked her once again and continued to discuss.

Her eyes immediately darted to Camille who looked bored and unfazed while staring into complete oblivion. She desperately tried to forget on who she smelled on that Potion and continued to listen to Slughorn.

For a split second, Camille smelled a different scent. It was familiar since she had encountered that smell before, she looked at Hermione and wondered why her cologne was much more stronger today. In fact, why was her sense of smell getting stronger by the minute?!

𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱𝘀 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now