~Chapter 12~

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Narrator's perspective

A very disturbed and tired Camille walked more deeply in the forest. She had her arms crossed while she follows Klaus and Hope walk in front of her.

It's probably 2 in the morning when she got woken up by her father telling her it's important and they should follow him. Just when she was starting to get a good night's rest with no worries, this ofcourse happens.

They stopped when they spotted a large enough space for them. Klaus practically has been dreading for them to bond as father and daughters.

"Not to ruin your mood, dad, what the hell are we doing in the woods at 2:15?" Camille asked, her eyes still looking a bit tired since she just woke up.

"Well I figured now that my daughters finally made up, I want to hear everything that you two did in this world." He pipped excitedly while looking at the two teens.

"At this hour? In the forest?" Hope questioned and he nodded unfazed. "I could be dreaming about something nice but now I'm standing in dirt."

"The very least of fun I had was when I get away from that dreadful castle." Camille shuddered, walking around to keep herself awake. She immediately duck when she felt an incoming rock being thrown to her. "Dad what the hell?!" She exclaimed and looked at her psychotic father.

Klaus laughed. "You had no idea how much I've waited just to test either of your Vampire powers."

"That's it. I'm declaring our father crazy." Hope put her hands up in defeat while Camille nodded a few meters away from her. "Don't tell me you'll throw a rock at me too?" She asked the man who had a knowing smirk.

"Come on you two, loosen up. I've had to hear your uncle Kol talk endlessly in my ear." He whined.

"We can't exactly loosen up when it's the middle of the night. What's gotten into you anyways." Camille asked, looking over Klaus suspiciously. "Did aunt Freya slip in a herb or something in your drink?"

The comment made Hope laugh. "Can't your father just wants to bond with you? I'm smitten to know you don't want to." He acted hurt, hand on his chest dramatically. "Come on tell me anything that's happened."

"If you really want to know." Hope rolled her eyes with a smile. "I had to endure countless of hours in a class that I don't even have to learn."

"Wait you actually go to those? I just skip it if I'm not in the mood." Camille butted in earning a cackle from Klaus. He's her daughter alright..

"Unless it has anything to do with those three. I swear to god Camille would torment those people again and again." She hinted a certain witch from the Golden trio which didn't go unnoticed to Camille who sent a secret glare her way.

"You mean the ones with the glasses and his friends?" Klaus asked. They both nodded and he chuckled. "Albus specifically told us not to harm them. He said something about them being nosey and might annoy us."

"Well cheers to that statement." The Brunette whispered for them to hear. "They won't stop cornering me and asking questions with their silly wands. Like that will kill me." She rolled her eyes, kicking gently on the dirt below her.

Their father frowned, "Did they hurt you?" He knew better than to ask this because Camille would never back out from a fight. She shook her head before the man could speed off to kill them.

"If Camille keeps up with her banter with them, they might." Hope informed and it sent Camille into a chuckle.

"I'd like to see them try. I would even give them a golden sticker if they succeed, would you give it to them if I ever pass out." The sarcastic remark only made her twin roll her eyes and her father laugh.

"You two sound like me and your Uncle Elijah a few years ago. Constantly in a fit of remarks around our conversation."

By the mention of their Uncle's name, it made their mood go downhill and fast. They still haven't had a decent conversation with Elijah since Hayley's death. Sometimes, Camille would even deadpanned think that it was the original's fault for her mother dying.

"You have to forgive him at some point. He's already in guilt." Klaus said, noticing the sudden change of atmosphere around them.

"Let's not talk of it." Camille chimed in, she felt a surge of depression hit her much more powerful than before whenever she would hear Hayley's name. It felt so strange that she thought that her connection with Hope came back. "Can we actually do something rather than standing here blankly."

"I did indeed brought you here to spar since It's been too long. Who wants to to first?" He asked and immediately Hope volunteered while the other girl backed away for them.

The Father and Daughter started of easily while they continued to talk of things with Camille watching them. Soon, Hope was getting a little more frustrated and stressed and released every bits of it to their fight.

"Camille have you practiced magic again?" He asked, dodged an incoming fist that was about to hit him.

"You don't believe I'll use it again, do you?" She asked in a 'duh' tone. Klaus and Hope gave her a look in question and continued their attacks to each other. "It's still dark magic, I can feel it."

"Atleast this time you would know how to control it without spiralling." Hope informed nonchalantly. "Besides, don't you miss magic?"

The comment made Klaus agree while he listened. "Ofcourse I do. It's different than earth magic and I'm afraid I'll lose my humane if I keep using it."

"You won't lose anything now that we know. So go ahead and use it when you please, We'll always be there to stop you when you get lost." Klaus said comfortingly and almost lost his footing when Hope had caught him off guard.

Usually, Klaus would never in a million years talk like this to anyone but then again, it's his daughters. He's change when they were born. the moment he saw them when they were 7, After escaping Marcel's wrath, He couldn't put it into words. He was star strucked to see the twins with so much light and happiness.

"I don't think so. I'm good with bloodbags and wolf shifting." She shrugged, grabbing a stick besides her and drawing little images on the dirt. As much as she's ecstatic to feel her magic again, it wasn't the same anymore. It's corrupted and different, not her taste.

Before Klaus could even encourage her, he got taken aback by a fist coming close to his face but not making contact. Meaning, he lost making him sigh. "Well that settled. Camille you're up next with your sister."

"Alright." She gave in almost too quickly and walked towards Hope. "If it makes you feel better, you can kill me and tell me it's an accident." She teased.

"I don't want to carry your dead body all the way back to our room. I'd take my chances on your commentary." Hope countered, earning a slight chuckle from the girl in front of her while she throws unnecessary punches.

"Dad can you tell us about mom?" Camille said out of the blue, Hope looked at her weirdly but she continued nonetheless.

"Ofcourse." Klaus noticed the flicker of sadness in Camille's eyes so he didn't ask questions any further. He started to tell little moments of his and Hayley's encounters, it merely lifted a weight on his shoulders that he didn't even know it was there.

Even though they weren't blood, Klaus will always consider Hayley a Mikaelson given her sacrifices and she would go to such lengths to help him. He was so distraught when he watched Hayley took down Greta with her on that deserted house.

While hearing every word, Camille and Hope had a smile on their faces the entire time. Blankly, Camille feigned defeat since she would rather listen carefully than to do this now. They sat besides their father on the ground, not caring if it will make their clothes dirty from the soil.

Once in a while Camille would laugh at how Klaus would exaggerate on a line. She missed her mother so much that she was willing to do anything to bring her back, the same feeling did to Hope. Even though Hayley raised them that nothing lives forever, they still couldn't get over her passing.

Twins lost their mother who was protecting them from the bad guy. It was not fair that Hayley wouldn't have the chance on watching them grow up and have an epic love to boast about. Then again, these things happen...


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