~Chapter 7~

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Narrator's Perspective

     Harry sighed and lowered his wand by his side. He knew that they would get caught and urged his thoughts that spying on a Vampire would be a suicide mission.

"You can't actually blame us for being cautious. You've done nothing but torment us." He stated, looking at the two out of their world.

"Well excuse me for being like this. You don't get to judge me— You don't even know me. So I suggest you mind your own business before I can actually kill you."

"Camille." Jo tugged on her on a warning and gave an apologetic look to the two students. "I'm really sorry— She's having problems."

"Clearly." Harry whispered and immediately regretted when he saw a look of kill from the Hybrid who sneered. Hermione stayed silent, not wanting to be involve because she really didn't want to be but her bestfriend forced her to.

"Look I get that you have your curiosity and all but do remember this, We don't owe you a thing so I suggest you run along." In an act of anger for them eavesdropping , her eyes turned into a shade of Gold and for a split second turned into Red but quickly went back to normal.

Jo saw it and she frowned. Instead of asking her now, she looked back at the two witch who had their wands on their hands. "She's right and trust me you don't want to see her unravel. Go." She held a stern look to the two younger ones.

Harry however wanted to know more. He was desperate. "I don't know anything about you. I just know that you can be a threat to my friends and I can't let that happen."

"Fine, If it gets you to shut up. I'm a Hybrid, Half wolf and Half Vampire, hence why I have no clothes since I shifted into one. I don't drink from people directly unless I want to, Dumbledore specifically told us not to harm any of you but if you annoy me one more time then I'll be sure to break that promise." She sneered, one hand holding the cloth and one hand was tugged by Jo, a way of telling her to calm down.

"She's kidding." Josie, being the martyr she is, said while holding a discreet glare from her friend. When she noticed that Hermione also wanted to know who she is, she gave in and sighed. "I'm a witch. But not like you that still has to hold a wand to cast spells. But I do need something before I activate my powers." She explained thoroughly.

"And that is?" Hermione asked, listening intently and mentally dotting down notes.

Josie opened her mouth to speak but she knew that it would be better to show them instead. "Give me your hand." She said to Camille who gladly did with no questions asked. She closed her eyes and took a large amount of power and it cause a gush of wind to pass through them.

For a few second, they smiled still closing their eyes but soon faltered when Josie saw a very dark image and a bad vibe from her bestfriend. She gasped and pulled away, startling Camille who looked at her in worry.

"Jo. What is it? Are you alright?" She asked in concern and held her bestfriend on the shoulder to calm her down. "Josette, what did you see?"

It shocked Harry to see how worried is the Vampire just because her friend acted indifferently. He didn't even know that Camille could hold such a concern emotion. For Hermione, it just proved her point that she saw some humanity inside the girl.

Hesitation filled her and looked back to Hermione and Harry who also was dying to know what happened. She needed to tell Camille what she saw but not near them. "We have to go. Invisique" She immediately spelled while holding onto the half breed and in a snap, they were invisible.

"Can you take us back to the castle? We need to talk to Hope about this and now." She pleaded to Camille who never asked questions to her when she gave her that kind of look. Camille wrapped her arm around her bestfriend and carefully sped back to Hogwarts without anyone noticing then since they were still spelled.

𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱𝘀 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now