~Chapter 13~

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Narrator's perspective

     Outside the castle walls, Josie forced Camille for them to watch one of the sports here in Hogwarts. The tribrid was too cold that she almost considered on running away but she knew she couldn't leave all the fun with Josie.

She heard some Gryffindors were trying out for the quidditch positions and knew that some would utterly fail drastically. All she had to do is sit back and cackle in silent.

Only this time is that Jo told her they'll be sitting with Hermione. To say that she was shocked to hear this was because she is. First, They threatened her a couple days ago and now they're friends? What kind of logic was that?

"Also, try and be nice. Hermione is actually a pretty friendly girl here." Josie warned, while they walked closely to the large field.

"Did it also slipped your head that she literally just waved her wand at your face less than 48 hours ago?" said Camile who walked up the stairs.

"Okay that wasn't their faults. Hope might have caused them to do that. Something about burning their skin off if they won't back off?" The Siphoner quoted making the other laugh by her choice of words.

"It's official then, We are related." Camille joked and it made Josie laugh once they entered the bleachers. They immediately spot the witch near one of the stands and Josie tugged her arm, pulling her towards them.

While the two witches exchanged greetings, Camille couldn't help but just sit down and look out on the field where a crowd of players were. She sat down behind Hermione, a few meters up from her with Josie on her right. Even though they have no part on this try outs of the sport, Josie was eager to learn more on this world.

"Hey where's that talisman you threw out back at home?" Jo asked curiously, eyes darting to Camille who reached down her pocket and showing it to her.

"Aunt Freya was asking for it couple weeks ago, I told her I threw it out and she believed me. I'll probably give it to her later." She shrugged and put it back.

"Why'd you throw it out?" Both Hermione and Jo asked. Camille gave the girl below her a look. "I was curious, so why?" She asked more and the tribrid continued.

"I just arrived back in our boarding school. Before I turned, I usually use it to channel my powers but now that I'm dead, It's of no use to me." She explained smoothly, only causing Jo to look at her in disbelief. "It's not a big deal, Jo. Aunt Rebekah gave it to me so I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

Josie frowned, "It's not Rebekah's idea to give it to you in the first place." She hinted, a look of pain washed over the Tribrid.

"She's gone so... So she won't be here to scold me." Camille crossed her arms, Leaning on the wall behind her while her eyes darted on the field where many people were up on their brooms.

Hermione gave a confused look to the Siphoner who just shook her head, a way of telling her not to push the topic much further. Instead of asking, The witch looked at the field and kept a close eye on Ron.

Originally, Hayley asked Rebekah to give it to her daughter since younger Camille was having troubles on controlling her powers. If Rebekah gave her something to believe, It might just work and it did. Hayley played a huge part on helping Camille use her powers correctly.

Camille didn't knew until her Aunt Rebekah told her in the funeral. She was devastated to say the least and promised to keep a good eye on it until she died. She made good on that promise. Technically, she did die and couldn't keep holding onto a pendant that was no use of her. Her powers were gone, she had nothing to do with it anymore.

All of a sudden, Hope felt an awful pain in her head. She winced and held it, feeling an incoming migraine push through.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Josie asked, had her arm around the girl's shoulder while she eyed Camille in worry.

"My head hurts... This isn't me..." She informed, the same pain she will feel whenever Hope would get hurt. "It's Hope.. She's in trouble." She muttered loud enough and it was enough for them to stand up and rush to wherever the Mikaelson witch is.

Without noticing, Hermione had a look of curiosity and worry on her face. She heard it all but didn't know what it meant.

Pushing through the headache, She carried Josie and used her Vampire speed so they can get to their room much faster. She put Jo down once they were in front of the door and opened it quickly.

"Hope." Camille called once she saw the girl on the bed, sweating and looks to be having some sort of nightmare. She knelt down on the floor while she tried to wake up the stressed girl sleeping.

Soon after, the witch sat up taking in deep breaths. "That's not possible." She muttered, looking over her left and saw Jo and Camille with shared looks of worry.

"What happened? I felt your pain from miles away." She asked, sitting down on the bed.

"Wait, you did? I thought we could no longer do that since you turned?" Hope asked, more interested on the bond they shared. "What did you feel?"

"I don't know— mostly headache. But overall, you were scared of something. What is it?" She asked, her personality changed within seconds.

"I had a dream... A man, called himself Voldemort. He was asking me questions of what are we doing here in their world."

Jo looked at her, deeply disturbed. Nobody could get inside their heads with a snap of a finger. "How did that even happen?"

"He's a dark wizard in this world." Freya informed, the teens darting their eyes on the door when Freya also just woken up from a nightmare she experienced. "I think he knows we're here."

// // //

Elijah walked in, taking in the place here. It's the first day they transported into this world, He made a deal about their family behaving as long as Albus gives them a place to keep on the low and help them go back home.

He stood by the desk, "Why is it that you called me?" Elijah asked, his fingers brushing on the wooden desk.

"It's come to my attention that certain students in Hogwarts has been complaining one of your niece." Dumbledore said, with a simple thread of a voice.

"I'm assuming it's Camille?" Elijah asked, a sly grin on his face. "My niece won't retaliate if she has nothing to go against to. Someone might be provoking her to do so." He informed honestly, nobleman he is.

"I only ask you for one thing, Mr. Mikaelson." Dumbledore started, hands together in a clasp. "I told you of my intentions and as you know, I don't have long before I go."

"I'm well aware." The Vampire said, dropping his hand to his suit.

"When it comes a time that I will pass, I need your word that you and your family will protect my students here."

Elijah nodded like it was simple. "You have spoken about a book of spells that is related to world jumping. I am promised of that as of now. I'll make sure I keep my end on our deal."

"Even in death, Mr. Mikaelson." Albus said, just to make sure the lines add up.

Elijah nods, standing up straightly in a manner. "You have my word."


𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱𝘀 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now