~Chapter 3~

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Narrator's perspective

On the Second day that the Mikaelsons and Saltzman has arrived in London, They had done nothing but do everything to find a way to leave and go back home. They met and got acquainted with a man named Albus Dumbledore who was in fact, the headmaster of the school Hogwarts. With the younger witches and a hybrid fitting right in the picture, He agreed on letting them enroll just for their family to have a place to stay while they sort this out.

Elijah Mikaelson, as the peace treaty himself, Made a deal with the said Wizard. He found out that this world faces a greater threat and is threatening their school and a certain boy. Elijah talked this situation with his family, including the younger ones as they have a voice to this matter. It seems like Klaus was the only one who didn't trust Albus but then again, he has no choice but to help him so that Albus can help them escape this world.

Dumbledore assigned them their own part of the castle wing, where there were many rooms just for them and no students will ever come close to the Mikaelson's wing, as named by Albus himself. Their timing was impeccable since Hogwarts is starting their semester today.

Now, Camille just got out of the shower and wore her supposed uniform with a color of the Gryffindor house tie around her neck. She brushed her hair gently in front of the mirror, having no emotion planted on her face. Her twin, Hope, was still in the shower just down the hall so she has time to slip out this room before she comes in. Klaus and Freya insisted that they share a room since they were siblings and all that.

Kol and Rebekah went out to the world to fetch their family tons of blood bags to keep them sane. They were already getting crazy when they arrived since Dumbledore specifically told them to not harm the students or else they were out of here. They just got back a few hours ago with bearing gifts.

A knock on the door was heard behind Camille, she stood up and fixed herself when the door opened. "Before we go to dinner with the rest of the humans, Where was that talisman Rebekah gave you?" Freya asked.

"Threw it away." She shrugged and went back to her place in front of the mirror and tied her tie accordingly. She heard Freya murmer something before she scurried away in a hurry.

Camille looked at her outfit in satisfaction before opening the drawer by the table. She picked up the familiar Necklace and placed it inside her pocket, snickering at how her aunt would be easily fooled. The Mikaelson walked outside and coincidentally met up with Jo on the way.

"I can't believe we transported to another world just to attend this nonsense again." She complained when they walked their way to the great hall. "These types of school had already ruined my life as it is."

The complaint made the siphoner laugh. "On the bright side, we get a new start. There are many new faces here, Cam. Who knows who we could meet."

"Yeah like that's going to happen. The only way I'm going to be friends with someone is when I'm burried 6 feet under this very castle." Camille said in a shuddered coy. "Plus, I've already encountered enough witches in my life. There is no way in hell I'd be friends with one of them in this world."

Josie didn't complain or scold her for thinking so. She's her bestfriend and they always stuck by together since they were a child. Mostly partnering up just to piss of their twins. When they walked inside a large room, past by a ridiculously big doors, The ones who were closest to the hall gawked at the females.

They remembered that Dumbledore gave their family their own space to eat since they have different taste for their drink (Blood). It's just so that his students won't freak out them drinking in public. The witch and Hybrid made their way to their family by the front, an extended table connected to the Ravenclaw's tables but far enough from it so they wouldn't see the blood.

When Camille walked past a familiar faces which she encountered in the woods, her eyes landed on the girl who was looking at her the moment she came inside. It made the Mikaelson grin and wink just to spite her and kept walking. She even noticed that Ron looked scared and remembered what their first encounter looked like. And also Harry who was holding a cloth over his blooded nose making her laugh.

"Stop threatening the children, Camille." Kol said once he saw that same sadistic look that his niece has. In all honesty, when he heard that she was turned into a vampire, he was happy for the fact that she won't die any time soon. Less than what he can say when Camille started to act like her father when she did.

"I'm on my best behaviour, Uncle Kol." The girl feigned innocence when she sat down on the table, besides Josie. She could see the judgment that her father was giving her from the other side of the table. And as much as she wanted to say something, she didn't want to cause any unnecessary attention on them.

Her mind went elsewhere, she voices out Lizzie when the girl complained about the uniform and the robe she had to wear for whatever time they need to be in this world.

"This castle is full of magic." Josie muttered to Camille who averted her attention to her. The siphoner put her hand on the table, glowing red when she siphoned a bit of its power. "I can even draw from here."

Soon, Freya and Hope came to their table as they spoke of possibilities on what happened to them and how should they escaped. They joined Davina on who was besides Kol the entire time.

"When will this treachery stop already." Camille whispered when she brought her lips to the cup and even it couldn't satisfy her.

Just years ago, she couldn't possibly think about on being a blood sucking Vampire who only tends to blood. Now, Ironically enough, she is one and has to drink.

"Those kids you threatened." Hope said to Camille and she raised her eyebrow in question. "They're looking this way." She motioned to where the golden trio sat.

"What ever should I do? Want me to kill them for you?" Camille asked, eyes full of hope but the people around her knew she was kidding.

Her eyes travelled back to the cup and she took a sip while her ears focused on the trio.

"There's something off about them. The earthquake we felt yesterday? It wasn't anywhere near normal tragedy." Harry whispered, eyes still lingering on the Mikaelsons or more specifically, Camille.

"Well ofcourse it isn't normal, Harry. They show up out of no where and has powers like no one has ever seen before. Did you see how her eyes turned into gold back in the forest? Quite mad..." Ron even shuddered by the image of the girl, giving him quite the fright.

"Her family... they're quite the scene. Everyone has been talking about them since they came in, Especially the adults. Also, The one who we first saw outside." Hermione's voice came at view, admiration in her heart and even curiosity for the girl. "Dumbledore hasn't told you anything?"

"I'll have to ask him later." The Potter whispered lowly.

"Well they are quite the nosey little thing. They're talking about us." She said and looked over her shoulder to meet a brown pair of eyes. Soon, it looked away and so did she.

Hope sighed. "You shouldn't of have revealed who you are. Who knows, they might just waved around that there are vampires in here."

"Yeah, who's fault is that?" The Hybrid asked, hinting making Hope back down with a heavy heart.

"Girls." Rebekah being the only one who heard this verbal fight warned them. The twins stopped talking after their aunt had warned them and minded their business.

Josie lowly whispered, "Still aren't over it?" to Camille who shook her head.



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