~Chapter 36~

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Narrator's perspective

     This time, her feelings felt crushed. Her hopes got stolen away in an instant and all her beliefs were gone. Her capability to care for another person that isn't her blood is gone, someone took it and that happened to be Hermione who did it.

She made sure she was far away from the tent, eacaping the barrier and a few miles away from it. Her hand held the tree besides her and the other on her chest as the heartache won't stop. Her mind had made up that it would never stop as long as she can breath. Camille didn't even wiped her tears away from her eyes, all she could feel was betrayed and lead on by a girl that she won't even end up with.

The ground beneath her shook, The wind almost blew her away as her powers took it's original toll and destruction. The will to live wasn't there anymore, all she felt was pain and pain alone.

Instead of destroying everything around her, her screams echoed in the woods while she desperately needed something to stop this feeling. Her knees buckled to the ground and her eyes were tightly closed but still, the tears kept flowing unwillingly. There was a huge soundwave that let out of her mouth, everytime she needed to scream all of it away. The grass in front of her decayed, the flowers were dead and the trees were next.

Camille stopped for a minute, she panted and leaned on the tree behind her. She sobbed and her palm found its way to her eyes, trying to block the water from flowing but was no use.

Millions of questions ran inside her head. An endlessly course of painful questions. Was all that a joke? Did she pretended to care just to spite me? Was me telling her about my mom a cruel joke? Did she even actually care for me? Why does everything hurt? Why is it so hard to stop crying?

She hyperventilated, she bit her mouth harshly, trying to stop herself from doing so. Camille has never felt this kind of heartbreak. Sure she's felt what it's like to lose a person close to you but never a person betraying you and never came back. Atleast, that's what she thought.

"Hey— Hey." Hope immediately sat down besides her, her hands rubbing Camille's arm comfortingly but not any of it worked. "Camille you need to breathe."

She shook her head that hung low. She absolutely felt vulnerable but at this point, it didn't matter seeing as she can't stop weeping her eyes out.

Hope sighed, closing her eyes as an incoming heart pain surged through her as well. "Oh god Camille." She whispered, also felt how she felt at that moment.

"I-I can't stop... Hope—" Her words trailed off when she couldn't say a thing anymore. "Just make it... stop!"

The uncontrollable cries weren't silenced. It kept growing by the second and the thought just kept upsetting Camille even more leading her to cry more. An Idea got inside her head but didn't know how to tell it.

"J-Just... snap my neck... Do it!" She shouted, looking at Hope who shook her head in disagreement.

"No you just need to calm down—"

"—Hope do it!" Her eyes glowed deep red, the necklace around her neck glowed intensity that it almost blinded Hope who looked awat for a second before breathing out.

Hope grabbed Camille's neck and snapped it, no need of using her powers on that. The shines of the necklace slowly retreated back since the owner was dead. She lets out a tear before looking back, sensing a figure followed them.

"Can you... help me carry her back?" She asked Harry who didn't hesitate to walk towards them, putting an arm around his neck all in while Hope did the same.

"That bad?" He asked carefully, he heard everything since he followed Hope through the woods. Hope slightly looked at him and nodded sadly.

The two reached back to the barrier, seeing Hermione stand from afar while she stared at whatever she was looking from before. Probably Ron who had just left.

"I'm going to take it from here." Hope said, an unfamiliar anger rose up her when she saw the Brunette. "Can you make sure she doesn't come near my sister?" She asked in a pleading manner.

Harry nodded and let Hope carry her twin inside the tent. His eyes darted to Hermione who also turned her back, eyes filled with guilt and already could tell that she didn't mean everything she said back there. She was already tearing up, after what happened with Ron, what she said that caused Camille her infliction.

"W-Where is she?" Hermione asked, worrisome filled the top of her voice as she did. "I didn't mean to, Harry. I was afraid that Ron will leave and—"

"—I know." He said, cutting her off before she begans to emotionally ramble. "But... I don't want to lie, 'Mione. She's in a bad place." He left out the part where she needed to die to calm down, the info would destroy her. "I wouldn't go and talk to her if I were you. Hope will kill you." He said seriously this time.

Hermione shook her head and sighed out. "I screwed up..."

// // //

"You're a cheat." Camille panted out while she almost got hit on the face by an incoming punch. She pushed away the fist making Hope laugh and the two carried on, panting.

They were on top of a mountain, large rocks were under them and it's like a challenge for them. The sundown came at view, sky was turning exceptionally orange and a beautiful view too.

"It's been a few weeks, Cams." Hope noted and kept going on their sparring, looking at her in question. "Might want to talk to her. Seriously, this time."

"I'm not the one who threatened to set her hair on fire, Hope." She remarked grinning and clicked her tongue when she missed a chance to hit her sister. "What happened to my overprotective older sister?" She mocked and it earned an eye roll.

"We're twins you imbecile." Hope sneered and ducked a roundhouse kick, took the chance to kick Camille's knee and succeeded on doing so when the Vampire fell to the floor, breathless. "And I'm the superior one." It was her turn to grin and helped Camille stand up.

Camille held her hand up, motioning to wait and catch her breath. "How long have we been doing this?" She asked and groaned out, stretching her neck from the stiffness.

"Since Noon? I don't know I lost count of the hours." Hope informed and sat down on the rock, catching her breath. "Aunt Freya gave me this." She said and handed Camille a small parchment with little words.

She took it and silently read to herself. 'Can you tell your sister to keep practicing? Oh and that necklace has a twin and can detect whatever is going on to its sister. Don't think I don't know what happened 2 weeks ago.'

"Aunt Freya is a bit of a stalker then." Camille joked and the two laughed, throwing the paper away as it was no longer needed.

"Seriously, Cami." Hope started, looking besides her. "Go talk to her. She's been moping around everyday."

"What good would that bring? We're gonna leave anyways, Might as well let her be prepared." She voiced out, grabbing the blood bag near her and drank it eagerly.

Hope sighed, remembering how painful Camille felt that night, the heartbreak, her screams, she will never forget how that felt.

"That's not fair for her..." She argued weakly, it only made Camille chuckle.

"Nothing's fair, Sister."

-~-~-~ (A/n: Sorry for the short and boring chapter)

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