~Chapter 44~

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Narrator's perspective

"Camille! You need to get over here, Now!" Hope shouted full of emotion on her voice as she spotted Josie and Camille by the stairs.

Camille knew that look, something happened and that something isn't pretty. She told Josie to stay with Lizzie and followed Hope to the room of requirement where the rest of her family was.

Her heart dropped the moment she saw her father, Elijah, Kol and even Rebekah on the ground all in pain as unfamiliar green veins ran up to their face. The color was familiar but that wouldn't be possible seeing as they can't be killed without the white oak stake.

"What happened? H-How?" She asked, running to Klaus and held his hand alongside with Hope.

The four siblings were squirming and groaning in pain as the full effect of a death curse was planting on them. Davina was holding back her tears when she saw how painful it looked to Kol.

"Death curse. It shouldn't be affecting you like this— but why?" Freya questioned herself, thinking of possibilities to help her younger siblings on the brink of pain and possibly death.

An idea had gotten inside her head, Freya turned to Camille who had tears running down her cheeks as she tried to control it. The idea might work but Klaus won't be too happy about it.

"We need to put them to sleep. We've done it before, we can do it again." She said to them.

"That's not a permanent solution, Aunt Freya!" Hope shouted.

"It is a start." The witch said before putting her hands up, chanting a spell over and over until the original Vampires were put to deep slumber.

Before that happened, Klaus pleadings for his older sister to don't do this went unnoticed. There was still a war going on, His daughters might get hurt if he is not there to protect them. He was mad ofcourse but had no strength to stop Freya seeing as he was already asleep.

Soon after, the neon green veins on their neck and face was fading awfully slow but it is starting to leave. The witches sighed in relief, well, only Camille who had an idea of one.

"If we go back home, It might save them." She said in realisation, looking over at Davina and Freya who was thinking of her sentence. "Maybe the magic here can't reach our world."

"There isn't enough time—"

"—Yes there is! If this battle is done, We can go home and save them" Camille stood up, the thoughts of losing her father, uncles and aunt drove her insane. It was too painful to lose her mother and she wasn't about to lose her whole family too.

"No, Camille. You still aren't prepared and we don't know what the black magic can do to you if this goes wrong." Freya argued, not about to lose a niece as well.

Davina looked at the Vampire in worry. "You can die, Cami." Her words sent the girls to a silence, Hope considering what her sister said.

"I can control it. Please, let me help." She was desperate. Desperate to save her family on the brink of possible death.

"No. That's final. I'm not going to let you risk your life." Freya crossed her arms and as much as she wanted to go home to Keelin and save her siblings, she can't lose her niece in that process.

Camille closed her eyes, her head hung low as she knew this would happen. But then again, she made up her mind. "I'm sorry, Aunt Freya. I don't want to lose my dad too." She said one last time before clenching her fist upwards as her aunt went to sleep as well as Davina.

"Cami!" Hope said in a gasp, standing up to see her family asleep. She wanted to stop her twin, she really do but something was holding her back.

"Hope. I can do it, I swear." She said seriously, holding both of her sister's hands. "I just need your help and trust for this. Have faith in me, sister. I can channel you and possibly Jo and Lizzie so we can make sure nothing bad happens."

Hope breathed heavily, her gaze went to the people who was on the floor unconcious. She trusted her twin wholeheartedly, but can she trust her with this? This was serious and without any help, she could actually die.

They spent years growing up with each other by their sides. Hope was not about to lose faith in her sister, especially now that Camille needs her in desperate times.

"Always." Hope whispered, hugging her sibling with full determination of what they are about to do.

Would this cost them anything? Camille's life and sanity. If it did cost it, The Vampire would surely have no regrets seeing as she will be the one who will save her family.

"We need to move them to where we started." Camille informed her sister who nodded eagerly. The Vampire walked to Freya, searching her pockets for the spell that would get them home. She sighed in relief when she had it and taking it for safekeeping.

"What in god's name are you doing?"

The two darted their eyes to the side where Lizzie and Josie stood. They sighed and explained to them what was happening and what will happen.

Josie at first was hesitant on betting on Camille's life on this. She did want to go back home, to Caroline and Alaric but she thought about her bestfriend and possibly crush. That thoughts stopped when Lizze convinced her unwillingly.

This was a crazy idea of a mission but they were willing to do everything for family. Now, all they have to do is go back and forth to the forest and back to the castle to get their family to where they first started. The circle where a vengeful coven drew for a powerful barrier spell, powerful enough so that Freya and Davina won't interrupt them even if they have to channel 4 capable originals.

"Are we really doing this?" Hope panted out, dropping Kol's feet as they places them inside the circle. Lizzie and Josie as well helped them carry the sleeping original family.

Camille looked at them emotionally, backing away from the salt and whispering a spell that activated the invisible barrier and linking her life to it. Her black and tainted veins grew up to her neck, powerful as ever.

"Cami." Hope warned, trying to get to her sister when she was stopped by an invisible barrier. Her breath hitched as she realised what the girl did. "Camille let us out." She banged on the barrier, mad and preferrably enraged.

"We can just siphon it's power." Josie said, putting her hand up, glowing red but stopped when Camille shook her head.

"If you took every ounce of that magic or even break it, you'll be killing me too." Her voice broke, making the three witches back down and not daring to lay their magic on the spell. "I linked it to my life so if it's gone, I go too."

Hope and the gemini witches looked at each other, useless to do anything as of now.

"Not to say that I don't appreciate what you are doing, Cami. Don't do this." Lizzie spoke, at first the gesture made Camille smile.

"If I channel you three, what's to say I won't be transferring my dark magic to you? Or let you get killed of how powerful this needs to be?" She asked, backing away already. "I'm sorry I lied, Hope. I don't want to lose anyone ever again." Her eyes glistened in tears but never let it dropped. "As soon as Voldemort's dead, I'll come back and bring us all home."

They could see it, the black etching on Camille's neck grew only further to her head. It worried them but most importantly, it frightened them.

Camille already turned around, wiping her tears away as soon as she turned her back on the three. Despite the shoutings of Jo and Hope telling her to come back, she used her supernatural speed and went to the doors where many death eaters had stood.

"No no, this can't be happening..." Hope whispered, losing her mind as she never should have let Camille do this in the first place.

What's done is done.


𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱𝘀 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now