~Chapter 43~

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Narrator's perspective

     "You looked like you showered in blood." Freya mustered out a tease when she saw Camille full of dried blood on her shirt and neck. She rolled her eyes and sat besides her aunt in tiredness.

Nobody was smiling nor laughing inside the great hall, many were casualties, victims of the wizarding war. A lot was on the floor, with either a blanket over them or somebody mourning their death. It reeked death and everybody knew that.

"I'm drained." She complained, hung her head low while she had her hands resting behind her head. She heard footsteps coming to them and knew it was probably her father or family coming their way.

An arm rested around her body, when she looked to her side, Elijah held a stern look of comfort. His calm look remained, a few drops of red on his white collar and coat.

"I'm glad to see you alive and breathing, Camille." He greeted and retreated his arm to his side. "I am surprised that your father hasn't stormed the forest for that creature Voldemort." He lightened the mood when Camille lets out a silent chuckle.

"In due time." She answered and their heads turned to the doors where the Golden trio just entered the great hall. They looked immensely tired and upset once they got inside, seeing many bodies on the cold floor.

Ron rushed his way to his family, all of them alive and breathing. Harry's eyes darted to Remus who gave him a simple smile of tiredness while holding onto Tonks as they rest on a chair. Hermione followed behind to Ron, not without sparing a look to Camille who talked to Elijah. The rest of her family soon joined them, along with the Gemini witches.

The girl yearned for Camille's touch and warmth. How they would talk all night when they were searching for the horcruxes, How Camille would bring her mood up whenever it was down, Her... She missed her.

"I owe Camille big time for saving me. Gave me her blood and everything." Fred explained back to Ron while he held his shoulder. "Was enough of that. I'm happy to see you are okay."

Ron looked back to the Vampire Mikaelson who was smiling at something Davina had told her. Despite death was always following that family, they always manage to dodge and evade it. The Weasley smiled sadly and hugged his older brother, glad that he was alright.

"Davina and Kol Mikaelson saved Tonks. My wife had a run in with Bellatrix, It was a good thing that Davina was there when I wasn't." Remus explained, never once letting go of his wife who smiled sadly. Harry knitted his eyebrows, looking over to the Noble family who was sitting by the side while they all talk.

"Camille also did heavy lifting. She saved Remus and I from Dolohov." Nymphadora said, gracious for what the teen did. Though the image of Camille pushing her hand through a man's chest never left her mind, atleast the girl did it for good, not bad.

Camille had just listened to Jo telling her that they needed to talk privately. She excused herself and they walked back to the grand stairs, where no one was around and it was quiet.

"I was half expecting for you to be with Lizzie." She confessed, leaning over a ledge on one of the stairs.

"Lizzie can wait. I want to spend time with you more before I have to fry anyone's brain." Josie sighed, her eyes landing on Camille's hands. "Hey, what happened there?"

Camille looked down to her hands, black veins running through and all the way to her forearm. "I used my magic earlier. It's not a big deal." She pulled the sleeve back down to cover it.

"No it is a big deal." Jo walked towards her cautiously. She pulled back the Vampire's sleeve to get a look. "This is bad, Cami. Like seriously you might get yourself killed."

"That won't happen any time soon." Camille lets out a smile, Assuring the girl who was holding her hand. "Plus, I still need to be alive so you can go back to Dr. Saltzman."

Josie sighed, "That won't happen if you get pulled in the darkness." She was worried, scared even. It's not everyday that the girl you like practices dark magic.

"I promise, I won't." She whispered, tilting her head downwards as Josie was slightly shorter than her. "Plus, I'm already dead." She joked one more time that made them both laugh.

"Hope told me that something happened when you two went searching for the Horcrux." Josie started, nervously let go of her hand. Realised that she's been holding it for too long. "Anything bad?"

Camille smiled, painfully nodding. "It was stupid." She started and looked behind Josie, Ron and Hermione was walking up the stairs looking at her on the sidelines. She shook her head and snapped her eyes back to the Brunette in front of her. "I just thought that I was getting somewhere with someone I liked."

Josie breathed in a tight air, knowing that this was going to hit her sooner rather than later. Instead of being Jealous, she smiled in pity for the girl. "Hermione, right?"

"Jo—" The Tribrid started, immediately regretted that she ever said anything. Knowing that them two had something before she realised her feelings for a muggle born.

"—No, No. It's fine." She said assuringly, convinced Camille who felt bad. "But what did she do?"

Camille looked to the side, a few steps upstairs where Ron and Hermione sat closely to each other. "We might have kissed once or twice. She lead me on and said that what we had was nothing."

"I'm... sorry, Cami." Josie said, her eyes catching Hermione's who was a meters away from them up the stairs. She shook her head and looked back to the girl in front of her. "Have you two spoken?"

"No it's for the best anyways." She said, a hint of pain laced the top of her voice. "We both know it will never work out anyways."

Despite the Hermione and Camille's little involvement in one another had triggered Josie's jealousy, she was feeling a little joy that it never did work. Maybe they had a chance but she pushed that thought away upon seeing how it affected Camille very deeply. It was selfish of her to think this way and she knew it.

"You two should talk. Even after what she did, Hermione likes you, Cams."

"Yeah that's the problem." Camille whispered, her hand rubbed her nap while her eyes seethe in jealousy of how close Ron and Hermione was.


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