~Chapter 34~

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Narrator's perspective

     In the span of weeks They were moving places to places, finding a way to destroy the Horcrux, and having to deal with personal issues, they all still managed to be sane and keept their focus on what was the issue and that was the Locket. Despite the arguments Hope always managed to start with her twin, nobody seemed to want involve in their little squabble. Camille on the other hand, didn't mind. If this is what her sister was feeling and wanted a release, she would gladly be a punching bag for Hope to abuse.

That still didn't stop Camille from gaining her strength everyday for her to gather and control, practice the dark magic properly without losing herself in the process. She didn't want to cause anymore pain to Hope. She's already been a problem to her twin, the least she can do it let her get mad freely and do whatever she wanted.

Now that Freya has gotten the spell, she just needs to hope that Camille will pull through and believe in herself that she could do it without anyone dying or being left behind.

"It's okay just... let her be." Camille assured, her hand up to stop Harry, Ron and Hermione who was more than willing to stop Hope from hurting the Vampire. Her nose was already bleeding from the countless of aneurysm she has been receiving.

"Why, Cami? Why were you willing to sacrifice yourself? Your life?" She asked, panting in her breathing from the tiresome spells she's been using against her twin. "This isn't some joke! You would actually let yourself die and you didn't tell me..."

Camille looked down, ruffling her hair while she also tried to gather her rythm to breathe normally. This was the first time ever that Hope hurt Camille and the girl didn't even mind.

"I would actually lose my sister! We've already lost mom and didn't you think what would happen to me if you're gone?" Her voice broke, making it harder for Camille to restrain herself from comforting her. Instead, she stood her ground, clenching her fist into a ball by the mention of Hayley. "How selfish could you be?"

The vampire held her head down, numb already by the multiple assaults that Hope would throw her way. Not physically but verbally she is.

"Hope that's enough. You need to get inside." Harry escorted her, holding his gaze to Camille who looked at him blankly but her eyes held another emotion. Hope sighed out, her anger blocking her ability to see what she's doing is wrong. Ron felt bad for Camille who has been experiencing the blame for keeping a secret that she didn't have a choice on keeping. He soon followed Harry and Hope inside, trying to calm the angry witch down.

Hermione stayed behind, was always the one who stayed behind to see how Camille was coping with herself. She walked quietly to her, observing her reaction from all this but it's all blank.

"You should go inside. I'm going to practice here." She lets out a smile that for anyone who didn't know she's going through something, they would think it's normal. This isn't the case for Hermione who could see how much in pain she is.

Cami sat down, her hand clasped together while she closed her eyes. The necklace around her neck never glowed anymore since the day they arrived in the woods to run and hide. If it glows, it means she's losing control and exerting herself to the fullest. She's more calm than she could ever be and Hermione couldn't figure out why.

"I think I'll handle watching you here." She replied shortly after and carefully sat besides her in peace. "Besides, I like watching you do magic." She lightened up the mood when Camille lets out a genuine smile whilst having her eyes closed in concentration.

"You are distracting me, Granger." She lets out and opened her eyes to get a look of Hermione who chuckled under her breath from her response.

"Hey I'm merely telling you the truth. And I also admire your eyes. I love that it looks like the sky when the weather is nice." She said smoothly and a tint of red reached her cheeks in embarrassment for what she said. It still didn't stop her from regretting what she said.

Camille rolled her eyes of what she heard. "And now you're flirting. I don't know what's gotten into you but I like it." Her hand stayed above a leaf, letting it levitate and controlled. "You know, my mom told me the same thing. How my eyes reminded her of the sky."

"Want to tell me about her?" Hermione asked, hugging her knees together in anticipation. Camille nodded and closed her eyes while she controlled herself.

"When I was a baby, My dad and his siblings almost got killed. They were placed into sleep to avoid it and that left my mom fighting and finding a cure for all of them. It took her 5 years and by the time she found everything she needed, Me and Hope was already 7 years old." She smiled at the memory of meeting her dad for the first time. "Despite her attention was on finding a way to cure them, She still spends her time with us throughout our whole childhood. Even when we're in hiding from an old enemy, She didn't waste the second on bonding with us even in bad times."

Hermione let her chin rest on her knees while she listened intently to every word. It was heartwarming to hear Camille talk about her mother even though she knows how painful it is to relieve the memories.

"One time me and Hope got suspended for selling our blood to a werewolf. She got so mad when she picked us up from the school and didn't even say a word through the whole car ride."

"You sold your blood? Why'd you do that?" Hermione asked in a frown, wondering why she would need the money to do that when they literally have everything they ever wanted.

Camille smiled and shook her head, "We were tracking dad because he couldn't get close to us or there will be major consequences. We never heard from him ever since he left, not even a phonecall and we were desperate. When we heard that he's somewhere in Europe, me and Hope took the chance and needed the money to travel. It was a long time ago and after that... everything went downwards leading to her death..." She sighed out the last part.

"There was um... a vampire who wanted to restore the balance of supernaturals. Where a Vampire stays a Vampire, A werewolf stays werewolf. There is no Hybrid or Tribrid, they were afraid of us." She started, remembering the Vampire Greta, To Roman... "They took mom because she's also a Hybrid, a threat to them. They took her werewolf side right in front of me and Hope and it was so awful to witness."

The entire talk, Hermione could only look at her with pity. She didn't know how to react and neither did Camille.

"I was useless. I was unconscious when it happened but my Aunt Freya told us what happened. Mom... she sacrificed herself to save us." Camille didn't notice her tears were already flowing down her cheeks. It didn't matter anyways, she was hurting. "I woke up hours later, she was dead and I didn't have a chance to tell her I loved her."

Hermione scooted closer to the girl, wrapping her arm around her while she sobbed violently. It was no secret that she hated talking about Hayley but still, she cared about Hermione and who else would she tell about her mother.

From afar, Hope fondled with her fingers in front of her. Hearing the whole thing and every word. It was hard to be mad and pity Camille at the same time. She got back to her senses and instantly beat herself on how could she hurt her own twin when she's also in pain. It wasn't fair, It was not something Hope would do but did anyways.

"It's not too late for forgiveness, you know." Harry spoke, just exited the tent when he noticed how long had Hope stared at the pair from a distance.

"It probably is..." She sighed out, looking back to her sister who seemed to won't stop weeping. "I treated her horribly."

"Camille might be stubborn and hardheaded but she values family." Harry shrugged, when he had his arms crossed. "I got all that from her actions."

Hope closed her eyes, steadying herself. She knew it would only be a matter of time when it's time for Camille to use all her powers to send them back.


𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱𝘀 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now