Ch. 28 Alone in the Car 🍋 (Aizawa 🍋)

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The entire ballroom was completely black. It was only as people started taking out their phones that I could start to see some shadows. I felt Hawks's hands wrap around me, as if he was shielding me from something. 

"We can't stay here." Hawks then shoved me toward the hallway, as fast as lightning opening one door after another as we left the ballroom. I struggled to keep up in my heels, but he kept my hand in his, pulling me along. Hawks didn't seem to be randomly moving through the building. How did he know his way around this place so well?

"What is happening? Where are we going?"

He didn't answer, instead he opened a final door that took us out to what looked like the loading area in the back of the building. Hawks glanced around quickly then pulled me over behind a dumpster.

The sound of footsteps made me hold tightly onto his arm.

"Wait here. Don't make a sound," he whispered. All of his normal humor was gone from his voice. Now his tone was serious. Firm. I nodded my head and willed myself to calm down.

Hawks stepped out into the alley.

After taking a few deep breaths, I realized I could hear two voices. One was Hawks, but the other was a man's voice that wasn't familiar to me.

"This wasn't the plan." That was Hawks.

"Plans change."

"Not if we had an agreement. This isn't the right time."

What the fuck, Hawks.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What kind of game was he playing? Who was this guy?

"I'm getting tired of waiting," the other man's voice said. "I'm starting to wonder if you're just stringing me along."

"Call it off," I heard Hawks say. "Now. Or you'll never get what you want."

"Yeah right. You can't walk away. Not now."

"Oh yeah? Watch me. Best of luck to you." I heard Hawks' footsteps start moving further away. Was he leaving me here? I was sure that they could hear my heart beating out of my chest; it was thumping so loudly.

The other man must have been watching him leave. Then I heard that man say, "I'll make you a deal."

Hawks' footsteps stopped. "I'm listening."

"I'll tell my people to stand down. Leave all the fancy heroes alone and alive tonight. But I know my boss will want something in return. And your boss has something that interests him. Well, someone." The man was walking away too, I assume toward Hawks.


"Then no deal."

"No," Hawks repeated, footsteps still moving further away from me.

"Whatever, man. It's not my loss."

I tried to listen but they were too far away to hear what they were saying. I debated leaving my hiding spot to listen more, but I didn't know this stranger and I didn't know what he was capable of doing. But I needed to find out who he was talking to and hear the rest of the conversation.

Taking a deep breath, I peered around the corner to see who this mystery man was. But there was only Hawks, coming toward me.

"I told you to wait there," he said, gritting his teeth.

I didn't have time to answer him because right then Aizawa, hair floating, eyes piercing, leapt onto the ground right in front of Hawks.

The two men stared at each other.

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