Scars That Don't Heal.

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(Y/N)'s POV

"*sigh* well there's another bruise... where are the bandages...?"

I try to pull myself up with the help of a kitchen counter next to me. My legs are all wobbly and aching. Everything hurts.

Finally standing up, i look back down to the place where i was beaten and saw some blood on the floor, not that surprising anymore to be honest, this happens every day. Whether it's from mom or dad, the beating is the same.

I looked in the counter and pulled out white bandages. I wrapped it all around my arms, legs, and other parts where blood and bruises are visible. Im pretty sure i even overlapped some of my already existing bandages.

I took a few seconds to look around. Dad seems to have passed out from being drunk and it looks like mom is in her room. This is probably the only chance i'll get to clean this up.

I slowly walked towards the bathroom, grabbing a towel along the way, every part of my body still hurting. After walking in, i closed and locked the door, hanging my towel too.

I took off the ragged clothes i was wearing and hung them next to my towel, slowly dipping into a tub of cold water. Feeling the stings all over my body, mainly on parts of open wounds. It hurts like hell but if i don't clean this up, it might get worse.

Well, at least i get a bit of time off from mom and dad. I don't think there is anything i hate more than them. If only there's someway i could fight back. But alas, an always-drunk-father and an abusive mother who hate eachother almost as much as they hate me isn't exactly easy to handle.

*sigh* but hey. At least the water is starting to feel a bit nicer, now that my wounds arent stinging anymore. Feeling more comfortable, i sink into the cold water leaving only my nose and everything above that outside of the water.

I wonder if there's someone out there who will actually like me... probably not right? Who would want me? My parents definitely don't.


Huh? What was that?

I looked to my right and saw a snake. It was big! Out of reflex, i jumped out the tub and instanylt screamed.



As if your drunk nap is something i should worry about! There's a snake here!! Ah damn and it's covering the door!

Where do i go? Where do i go?! Aaahhh!!

I don't know where else to run. I curled up into a small ball in the corner of the bathroom and hoped that it would just leave me be. I hear it moving.

Realizing that this is probably the end for me, i just let all my feelings flow and began crying. I held my knees and closed my eyes as tightly as i could and hoped it was gonna be quick.

I felt the snake's scales brush around my  feet and my sides, i was expecting the worse and just hoped that it would be quick, but to my surprise, i felt nothing. No bite, no suffocation, no entanglement. The snake wrapped itself around me and rested it's head on my side.

I felt... warm.

Yaay another stoty! Now i know this has a seriously dark start but i promise it'll get better. Stay tuned for the rest of my updates and i'll see you in the next one! Bye!!

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