The Buddy Boys Trio: AU1 Chapter 3

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Ethan's eyes widened as I came back from getting changed and Bryce smirked as I approached the guys.

"Damn Valentine. Do I dare say you almost look as good as I do?" Bryce said playfully.

I rolled my eyes with a smile."Come on Lahela, was this a poor, poor attempt at you flirting or ar we going to make use of this time?"

Ethan laughed and said "She's got you there, scalpel Jockey."

"Hang on, this was an oppurtunity to hang with my boys!" Bryce threw his arms around Ethan and Rafs shoulders.

"Oh God No..." Ethan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh wait, this is priceless! The boys?" I giggled.

"You get used to his over excessive nature." Raf laughed.

"Oh I already have. But I love this Trio. I will now refer to you as 'the buddie boys.'"

"Buddy boys? Lahela, I work with Valentine. Shes never going to let me live this down." Erhan scowled at him as I walked past them.

"I like it! Buddy boys! How about you Raf?"

"I've learnt not to try and contradict you when you get in your ways."

I smiled and shook my head as I got onto the treadmill, listening to their conversation.

We all started out on a slow jog on the treadmill, Ethan one side of me, Rafeal the other, Bryce next to him.

"So,any particular reason you felt like joining us today?" Raf asked with a smile.

"Apart from the company, obviously." Bryce said.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "To look good naked, of course."

I laughed again as all three boys nearly fell at my comment, even Bryce himself.

"Woldn't say you need to work hard at all then." Bryce laughed.

"And how would you know that, scalpel Jockey?" Ethan raised a brow, a gentle smirk upon his lips.

Bryce shrugged and said "Well obviously I've never seen her naked, but I can imagine it's a nice sight."

I gasped playfully "Bryce Lahela!"

"Okay okay, Enough about Valentines Body." Ethan said.

"I second that motion." Raf said.

"Thank you. But I'm glad I'm thought so highly of."

"Oh yeah. Even Ramsey thinks highly of you, Don't you doc?" Bryce said.

I glanced to Ethan and he shrugged.

"Your a credit to the diagnostics team, but you already know that."

"Come on Ramsey. you mention her all the..."

The 10 minute timer beeped as the mills started to slow down.

"Anyway. I'll be...stretching." Ethan said as he got down to do is own work.

"And I'll be at the puching bags." Raf said with a huff as he came down.

Bryce and I both got down and he asked "How about some bench presses Valentine?"

"Hm...I'll stretch with Ethan. I'd like to find out first hand exactly how he thinks of me." I smiled.

Open Heart AU 1 (Ethan Ramsey x Valerie Valentine)Where stories live. Discover now