Birthday Promises: AU1 Chapter 23

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I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling above me.

Normally, I sleep in at least 10 minutes after my alarm goes off, but is different.

I've been awake 1 hour before my alarm should go off.

And instead of going to work even earlier than I already do, I'm staying in bed.

Because today....

Is my birthday.

Yes, my 27th birthday.

And I suppose,that should be an exciting occasion. But since I was a kid, birthdays have never really appealed to me. I don't hate them, or love them. I'm kind of in the middle. I do all the celebrations though, like cake and a small party that is more or less a gathering of friends for drinks and or dinner. I just never make a big deal out of it.

My parents and I were never really close. I was with my dad, at times, but our family was far from picturesque. So was my childhood, that including birthdays. When I started to become interested in becoming a doctor and med school thanks to some doctor called Ethan Ramsey, it was my escape to make something of my life and not be stuck in a family situation that wasn't right for me.

I looked over to my bedside table as my alarm buzzed and almost instantly there was a knock at my door.

I sat up and stretched, saying "Come in!"

"V! Happy birthday!" Sienna was the first to barrel in, trailing behind her was Jackie, aurora and even Kyra.

She came onto my bed and embraced me in a big hug that I returned along with a smile. "Thanks si."

"So, how does it feel to be another year older?" Jackie asked as she and the others came and sat on the bed around me.

I laughed and said "I would like to think I am a year older and a year wiser."

"Oh doctor Ramsey will be able to tell you that.You did get onto the diagnostics team after all." Kyra smiled.

"Of course you are! And like Kyra said, I bet Ramsey would be more than happy to tell you that you are in fact a year wiser. Be proud of yourself V." Si playfully nudged me.

"You should be. You deserve it. Which is why, tonight and with the guys, dinner and drinks after work to celebrate." Aurora said with a grin.

"Thank you guys." I smiled and pulled them all into a hug.

"Oh okay we're doing this." Jackie said, awkwardly hugging us all back and we laughed together before going to start our day.


I closed a filing cabinet in the diagnostics office after putting some folders back when the the door opened and I looked up to see V, walking in. "Valentine." I acknowledged.

"Ramsey." she acknowledged back, a small smile on her lips.

"...What's wrong?" I raised a brow.

Her eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Now to anyone that doesn't know Valentine, she may look completely fine. Happy in fact. But I do know V, and normally, every morning she bounces in here with a spring in her step and an infectious smile. Today, her demeanor is not as strong as I'm used too.

"Rookie." I folded my arms.

Although today, I do know what's wrong, today is V's birthday.

Open Heart AU 1 (Ethan Ramsey x Valerie Valentine)Where stories live. Discover now