Past Problems: AU1 Chapter 5

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I looked at the man before me, almost dumbfounded.

"Oh! Hello Mr Ramsey, I'm Doctor Valentine, I work with your son." I held my hand out and he shook it.

"You're the Rookie! Ethan speaks of you often. And please, call me Alan."

He speaks of me?

To.... his dad?

"It's nice to meet you, Alan. Ethan speaks of me?"

He laughed gently and said "Yes, by the sounds of things, you get under his skin, but with my Ethan and by what he's said, I don't think that's a bad thing."

I tried to hide my blushing cheeks, by trying not to imagine Ethan speaking about me...

"I see...Well, I suppose that is good. Ethan's not here right now, but I can give him a message for you?"

His face became solemn and he said "I was hoping to speak to him..face to face, you know? and it's quite important but I have to get back to providence soon..."

I bit the corner of my lip and looked between Alan and the office.

"...Come on. I'll help you try and find him."

"Thank you so much..." He gave a gentle smile and we started to walk down the corridor.

"Do you know where he could be? I've been walking around for a while to no avail..." he said as he curiously looked around.

"If he's not on the grounds I have an idea where he might be. When he gets stuck on cases, he likes to get a breather. And right now we're on a tricky one."

"You seem to know him well." he smiled at me.

Know him well?

I know him in sooooo many different ways it's unbelievable.

"Yeah...I guess you could say that." I laughed gently, slightly nervous.

I mean, this is Ethan's dad I'm talking too!

Papa Ramsey!

The father of Ethan freaking Jonah Ramsey!

We came to the nurses' station and I said: "Hey Danny, seen Doctor Ramsey by any chance?"

"He said he was going to go outside for some fresh air." He shrugged.

I turned back to Alan he sighed.

"He could be anywhere..."

...I had a eureka moment.

"I think I know exactly where he is.."

We walked into Ethan's favourite coffee shop, and sure enough, there he was, sitting with a cup of coffee, gazing out the window, looking lost in thought..the sun shining on his bright blue eyes...

"Ethan?" Alan said as we approached.

He moved his head slowly, and when he realised who was speaking to him, he shook his head, as if he was waking himself up from a trance.

"Dad? What are-..."

His eyes landed on mine and he said "Doctor Valentine?"

"She helped me find you, Ethan. There are somethings we need to discuss."

He nodded at Alan and looked to me. "She does tend to be very helpful."

I smiled and he gave me a gentle one before turning back to Alan.

"Dad, why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I tried. I left many voice mails but whatever I did I couldn't get a hold of you..."

Open Heart AU 1 (Ethan Ramsey x Valerie Valentine)Where stories live. Discover now