Checkmate: AU1 Chapter 18

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Not all the rich are the same.

Of course they're not.

But, what I can already gather from Leland Bloom has not left a positive impression. Maybe I'm judging a book by it's cover.

But I like to say that I can read people quite well, with or without their acknowledgement and just with basic information.

The fact that a 'butler' is now taking us somewhere in his vast manor already says enough.

"Others? what does he mean by others?" Valentine whispered as we walked down the hall.

"I haven't got the faintest idea. But I think all will become apparent..."

We turned the corner into a room, and when I saw the occupants, my words caught in my throat.

"...soon enough..." I uttered.

"Aurora?" Valentines eyes widened as she noticed Aurora Emery among a small gaggle of doctors...including Tobias Carrick.

Valentine went to speak to Aurora and Tobias' eyes widened when he saw me, a sly smirk appearing across his face as he approached.

"Ethan Ramsey in the flesh. Nice to see you again buddy. How long has it been now?" He smiled.

"Not long enough. What the hell are you doing here,Tobias?" I narrowed my gaze.

He stood by my side and nodded to the others doctors who were making conversation in the room.

"The same thing your doing here. Piggy bank seems a little empty when you shake it these days, huh?"

I glared and he said "Oh come on, lighten up Ethan. You always were a downer. Bet it doesn't help to see one of Edenbrooks own transferred to MK huh?"

I looked over to where he was looking at Valentine and Emery talking in the corner.

"Doctor Valentine is the other girl, right? I've heard good things. Especially from the Governor who suggested she transfer from your sinking ship."

"You've been hit by this just as bad as we have, Tobias." I looked to him.

"But we'll pull ourselves out of it as we always do. Tell your little mentee that MK would gladly take her on when we do."

"I don't think so."

"And why's that?"

"Because she benefits from being at Edenbrook and on my team. There is no need for a transfer whatsoever and she would agree."

"Well, let's find out."

His eyes lingered on her as she came over from talking to Doctor Emery and she greeted him politely with a smile.

"Hello again Doctor Carrick."

"Doctor Valentine, I've heard good things." He moved closer to her and held out his hand which she shook.

"I hope I have a good reputation?" she raised a brow.

"One of the best." He smirked, there hands lingering in a hold.

She pulled her hand away and put on another smile.

"*Cough* Where is Mr Bloom?" she looked between the both of us.

"He should be..."


Our attention was turned to an older man, hobbling into the room on a cane holding onto the arm of a distinguished looking woman.

Open Heart AU 1 (Ethan Ramsey x Valerie Valentine)Where stories live. Discover now