Teasing Touches: AU1 Chapter 13

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'control what you can control'

Why aren't I listening to my own words?

There is no way to sort out Edenbrooks problem.

Not now at least.

And as Valentine said, we need to make it into a situation we can control.

But right now, we have to keep on helping the people we can until the absolute last moment.

I continued to write some notes for Evelyn De La Vega, when I heard a gentle knock at the door.

"Come in." I said without raising my eyes.

The gentle click of heels made it's way over the floor and I continued to say "You want something."


I can tell from the smell of her perfume and her walk.

But how I know she wants something?

Let's say it's an instinct.

"Why doctor Ramsey I'm not quite sure where you've got that idea from..." she said innocently as I looked up to her, placing my pen down.

"Come on Rookie, don't you think I know you well enough by now?" I raised a brow as I gestured for her to sit down.

She pursed her lips and said "Maybe..." as she took her seat.

"No maybe's. Come on. spit it out." I sighed.

She smirked and said "But there's no fun in that! I came in here with the motive to persuade you, not just blurt it out."

"The fact you think I would need persuading tells me that whatever you want isn't good."

"Oh but on the contrary." She got up once more and came over to my side of the desk.


I stroked back Ethan's hair as I stood in front him behind his desk and he said "Va-"

"What if..I had an idea on how to save the hospital?" I tilted my head and looked into his eyes.

"You have my attention." He looked at me inquisitively.

"Good..." I smiled and ran my hand down his shoulder.

I may be using this as an excuse to flirt with him, but he's bound to be more easily persuaded this way....right?

Oh who am I kidding, this is Ethan we're talking about.

I made the decision to turn things up a notch and sat on his lap sideways, draping my arm over his shoulder.

"Rookie..." He furrowed his brow gently.

"Come on, I'll make it quick, promise. Nobody is around anyway..." I

"We both know that's not the point..." A gentle smirk tugged on the corners of his lips.

I smiled and leaned a little closer. "Well if you really insist..." I went to remove myself but already knew his reaction.

He placed an arm about my waist, stopping me.

"Make your pitch, Valentine."

I smiled knowingly and crossed my legs.

Valentine: 1

Ramsey: 0

"Okay, we solicit for high profile, wealthy patients who can offset our costs."

He searched my eyes for a long moment, before leaning back.



"Valentine, Naveen wanted this team to help people out who had nowhere else to go. I can't abandon that. I won't neglect the people who need us in order to chase people who have a vast array of health service options."

"And...usually I would agree with you, you know I would...but we don't have the luxury of thinking like that anymore...we're still going to be helping people...isn't that's what important at the end of the day?" My face fell slightly.

Cautiously, he placed his hand on my leg and rubbed back and forth gently, watching his own movements.

"Your heart's in the right place...as it always is...but this would change what this team is....We'll find another way..." He moved his hand to rest on my waist, before gently helping my stand up as he did so himself.

"But what if we don't? What if time runs out?" I asked as he grabbed his white coat and slipped it on.

"We help people until we can't." He said as I sat in his chair.

"Even if we could keep on going?"

He sighed slightly and came back over, turning the chair to him and kneeling in front of me.

"We will think of another way. That allows us to help people who are financially unstable and need our help...I know you understand that....." He placed a hand on my cheek.

"I do...I'm just worried Ethan..." I glanced down.

"I know you are...but you don't need to be. Whatever happens, you're going to be okay. Our patients will go to other hospitals that will be newly staffed with doctors from Edenbrook to help the over flow...we just have to hope things will work out..." He took my hand and we both stood up.


Valentine slowly leaned in and hugged me, placing her arms about my torso.

I tensed first, before embracing her back and stroking her hair, placing a small, gentle kiss to her forehead.

"What about you?" She murmured against my shirt.

"I'll figure something out...I don't know yet..."

"You won't leave Boston...will you?"

I smiled gently and shook my head.

"No...no of course not..."

"But if you plan on taking any more trips for two months...tell me, okay?"

"Did I ever apologise for that?"

She shook her head.

I moved back slightly and lucked down to her "Sorry."

A gentle smile played on her lips.

"Apology accepted..."

I smiled down to her and stroked her cheek with the back of my hand...

Our faces inched closer and closer to each other the sides of our noses touched...but we both realised that we had to part before our lips met and it was too difficult to part.

She placed her lips tightly together and whispered "Ethan..."

"I know..." I said quietly.

I glanced over at the time and said "Those tests for Evelyn should be back down... let's get the others and share the update with her."

She nodded and we reluctantly parted from eachothers hold.

As I held the door open for her I said "You almost made me crack, doctor valentine. Your persuasion techniques are...to be admired."

"Are they admired by you?" she turned on her heel as I closed the door.

"Would you like them to be?" I raised a brow, glancing down to her.

"Oh doctor Ramsey I thought you said you knew me well by now. You're the only one I would ever persuade..." she bit the corner of her lip, A twinkle i know all too well in her eye.

I laughed under my breath and shook my head slightly.

"come on rookie, we've got a patient to diagnose."

she smiled and nodded and we walked down the hall, sharing all-knowing glances, hands gently brushing...fingers, lingering...

Open Heart AU 1 (Ethan Ramsey x Valerie Valentine)Where stories live. Discover now