Conversations In The Dark: AU1 Chapter 39

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It had our best intention to say no.

It really did.

But to say no in this situation would be cruel. To say no in this situation would be the opposite of what I want to say no...would be the right thing...but not what I want to do.....

And its not what V wants. She is always my main priority, but right now, nothing could disturb me from making sure she'll be okay. whether it be my father turning up at the door, or June 'interrupting', I cannot, and will not put anyone else above her...

She was silent the entire drive to my apartment. I could almost hear the gears moving in her head, the thoughts that must be whirling around...Because on top of possibly losing one of her best friends, her toxic parents have barrelled their way back into her life at the worst possible time- and both situations seem to be out of her control. knowing Valerie, that is what she hates the most....

We entered my apartment and I turned to her "Rookie..."

I sighed, wanting to say something, just so unsure...instead I went behind her and slipped her coat from her shoulders in which she shrugged off. I hung up hers and my own before turning the lights on and going to the kitchen.

"Come on. Scotch." I said.


"it's a coping mechanism, V. Just until-.." I paused as I continued to pour two glasses.

"It's a coping Mechanism." I nodded.

She came over and sat herself on the counter, watching as I placed the bottle back. I handed her a glass to which she murmured a thanks before taking a sip.

"Mmm. Scotch does make everything feel a little better." she scoffed. a small, barely noticeable smile tugging on her lips.

I nodded and shrugged "In small doses, yes."

She held the glass in her lap and watched the amber liquid, my eyes fixated on her form. with my free hand, i stroked her curls back that were falling in her face.

"I can give you two suggestions. one, we can talk about it. get whatever you need to off your chest, and I'll listen, help you the best I can. Two? We don't talk about it, you cry, sleep, do what you need to do."

"And which suggestion do you think I should take?" she raised her brow as she looked to me.

"...the first one."

"As Doctor Ramsey? or as Ethan?" she asked as she took a sip.

"As both." i nodded with certainty.

"...then option one." she stated.

"While i'm perfectly aware there are.... other topics we need to discuss." I raised a brow, to which she nodded, understanding what topics I was referring too,

"Right now- "

"This is the priority." she said.

I nodded and said "Yes. It is." I stood up straight from the counter and went to the cupboard.

"I'm presuming you have no appetite?"

"You would be presuming correct."

"Have you eaten at all today?"

There was a murmur of yes, and I took out some pain medication and handed them too her.

"For the headache."

Open Heart AU 1 (Ethan Ramsey x Valerie Valentine)Where stories live. Discover now