Connections: AU1 Chapter 15

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It was getting surprisingly late. And I say that wholeheartedly since the day had passed by in a whirlwind of events. All I need now is a warm shower and a bed. But I owe it to Ethan to check in before going, since the reason the team is working this case

I knocked on the door gently to the office before walking in. Ethan sat on the couch with his computer on his lap, his face lit up by the screen in the room that only had a dim, warm colored light to illuminate everything in the darkness.

"Valentine." He said without looking up.

"Ramsey." I smiled as I leaned against the door frame.

A small smile quirked on his lips and he now looked up to meet my gaze.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just thought I would check in. Those tests? All came back negative."

He sighed and took his glasses off, running his hand over the top portion of his face and into his hair.

"Alright. I was expecting that since the others were negative too. So I'm trying to find out the products she's used. But this social media thing isn't easy."

I laughed gently and said "Ethan, are you trying to make a pictogram account?"

He raised his brow with a smile. "Don't say it like that. It's for the benifit of our patient."

I shook my head and said "I thought old people were getting with this now?"

"Hey, I'm 37, technically i'm a millenial.I wouldn't class that as old. Yet."

I stood up straight and walked over, sitting myself down next to him.

"Okay Dr Millenial, tell me why you can't set up something as easy a pictogram account then?" I raised my brow.

"I'm guessing you have knowledge of this?" he raised his to challenge mine.

"Of course I do. I am a Millenial after all." I playfully nudged him.

"Hm. Just barely."

I rolled my eyes and said "Do you want help or not?"

"...Yes please."

I laughed and we both turned our attention to the screen.

"Okay. A username. Just use your name. It's just the way people can find your profile. If they wanted to." I said.

He nodded and typed 'Ethan-Ramsey' in the usernasme bar.

After setting up a password he said "Why would this app need such a secure password? Who would want to hack into a social media account away?"

"Take Gwyneth for example. She has all these followers and she's pretty famous. Stolen identity,stalker, you name it."

"This is terrifying." He shook his head.

"Not all of it's like that of course. It helps people to stay in contact with eachother, meet new people and new connections...apart from some of the terrifying people, it's not too bad." I said as I looked to him.

He shrugged slightly and said "I suppose I can see that."

He scrolled down and said "Intrests? is this really necessary?"

"On the surface, it's for making those connections I was talking about. But beneath the whole fabrication it's about targeting ads."

"I can't see the appeal to this..." He scrolled down to the 'M' section.

Open Heart AU 1 (Ethan Ramsey x Valerie Valentine)Where stories live. Discover now