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Taehyun POV

After the bell rang,all of Beomgyu's classmates went out of their classroom to go to the cafeteria.Well,almost all.Taehyun hid behind the door of their room to eavesdrop on Mr. Kim and Beomgyu's conversation.He didn't hear all of their conversation because the two spoke quietly and the door that Taehyun was hiding at is far from where Mr. Kim and Beomgyu were.

"Beomgyu if you have any problems in the project,don't hesitate to ask help from me."

"But hyung,I don't want to be partners with anyone."

'Hyung?Why did Beomgyu called our teacher hyung?' Taehyun thought.

"Don't worry,if Taehyun bothers you,I'll protect you from him,okay?"

Taehyun then heard a few ruffled noises so he peeked from the door.He was slightly shocked to see Beomgyu and his teacher hugging tightly while Mr. Kim was caressing the younger's hair.After the hug,he saw the two walking towards the exit so he quickly ran away from the room to avoid getting caught.

'What the fuck,what was that?Is there something going on between them?Ahh shit I should've taken a picture for evidence.'

'Wait,evidence for what?' Taehyun chuckled to himself and proceeded to go to the cafeteria to meet his friends.

'Don't worry Choi Beomgyu,I'll find out what's going on between you and Mr. Kim.'

(〃▽〃) hi,this is a short one.

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