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After listening to the whole story,Taehyun was crying.He didn't know that Beomgyu experienced all of that.He now knows why Beomgyu didn't like being touched.He now knows why Beomgyu wasn't interested in him.

When he realized that he was rubbing the older's back,he immediately asked, "I'm sorry I held your back and even hugged you last night,even when you slept."

Beomgyu calmed down and blushed slightly when he heard that the blonde hugged him when he slept, "It's alright,Taehyun.Your touch,was somewhat comforting.I felt safe." He admitted.

"Then I feel relieved already." Taehyun smiled at Beomgyu.The latter got shy and looked away.

The younger chuckled a bit before he spoke again, "Beomgyu."


"I love you.I want to be with you always,I want to take care of you,I want to be beside you no matter what happens.I want to be your comfort in times you're feeling stressed.I want to be your rest when you feel tired from this world.I want to be the source of your happiness,and I want to be the person that celebrates with you when something good happens in your life.I want to be the person you run to when you have problems,and I want to be the person that accompanies you to solve all of your problems together.I want to be the person that you'll spend your lifetime with,grow old with,and I want to be the person that will love you forever." Taehyun confessed.

Beomgyu started tearing up again,both from joy and worry.

"Why are you crying?" Taehyun quickly cupped the other's face,using his fingers to wipe the tears that are flowing down Beomgyu's cheeks.

"You love me?" the blonde boy only smiled and nodded, "I t-told not t-to fall in l-love with m-me.I'll only hurt you."

"That won't stop me from loving you,Beomgyu.And what's life without any risks?I would risk everything just to be with you.And don't worry love,I'll fight for you.I'll fight for us,even if the whole world is against us.I'll stay with you,I promise.I'll keep my promise,Beomgyu,trust me.I love you."

'Fuck it' Beomgyu thought.

"Taehyun,I love you too."

The blonde only smiled and leaned to capture the older's lips with his own.It was slow,passionate,and full of emotion.Taehyun tilted his head to deepen the kiss and kept sucking on the older's lower lip.Before he could get carried away and doing something more,he bit Beomgyu's lower lip,causing the latter to whimpered slightly.After he pulled away,he leaned again so that their foreheads were touching.He stared at the raven haired boy's eyes with so much love and adoration before speaking,


"Will you be mine forever?"

"Yes,Taehyun.I would love that."

"And I love you,hot stuff." Taehyun smirked before pecking the older's lips.

Beomgyu blushed beet red before hitting the younger softly on the chest. "Stop c-calling m-me like t-that!"

"Why? Don't you like it?" Taehyun fake pouted.

"I l-like it." Beomgyu rolled his eyes.

"Thank you for loving me and giving me a chance,Beomgyu.I promise I'll stay with you forever.I love you." Taehyun said as he kissed Beomgyu on the forehead.

"I love you too,Taehyun." this time Beomgyu wasthe one to kiss Taehyun on the lips.

(♥→o←♥)aww taegyu finally got together

fuck i feel single again

sorry if i suck at writing love confession dialogue or kissing scene,please spare me T-T

for the confession scene,i wanted it to be unique,and well,that happened.

and the kissing scene,well it was their first so i didn't go wild


btw if anyone's confused on beom's trauma of touching him,feel free to ask me!

that's all the updates for today,it's a lot

i've updated 8 chapters today,i've been generous so vote ⋋_⋌ jkjk

if you know someone who ships taegyu,can y'all like recommend this to them?lol i'm being desperate


i love taegyu 

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