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Taehyun POV

Classes ended,and Taehyun was left alone in their classroom.He would glance at Beomgyu's seat and smile whenever he remembered their happy,sometimes flirty moments.

"I miss you,my love." he whispered.

He was spacing out that he didn't notice that someone entered the room and sat beside him.

"You know,you and Beomgyu are the perfect pair."


The mentioned man chuckled before speaking again, "Just call me Jin hyung or Handsome hyung." he wiggled his eyebrows,causing the blonde to laugh slowly.

"How do you know,hyung?That we're together?" the younger asked.

"Maybe it's the stare." Jin smiled, "I can see how loving his stare is to you,and vice versa."

Taehyun blushed a bit while smiling.

"This is the first time I saw Beomgyu become so happy after the incident years ago,you know,when his brother..." Jin trailed off as Taehyun nodded,confirming that he got the message.

"It's also the first time I saw Beomgyu fall in love,and I can tell that he loves you so much."

"Before,he was only studying and trying so hard to please his parents,he tried to give up a couple times,he ran to me and told me all his frustrations and problems,we even had a crying session every week." Jin laughed a bit from the memory.

"But when you came,he became so happy.He told me about you so many times,he told me how you made him so happy,he told me how you make him feel so loved and special,he told me how much you love him.His eyes were shining so much while talking,you know?"

Taehyun could only stare in awe,not believing what the older was telling him.

"But he's scared too.He's scared that he might leave you because of his parents."

"It already happened.Last week." Taehyun sadly said,and started telling Jin the story that happened a week ago.

"I'm sorry Taehyun,that Uncle is like that."

"It's fine,atleast I know that Beomgyu loves me."

"Are you willing to fight for Beomgyu?For your relationship?"

"Yes,of course." Taehyun answered with no hesitation.

"Then I wish you all the best.Be careful with Beomgyu's dad,he's very powerful and scary."

"No matter what happens,I'll be there for him.I will be brave for him." Taehyun said firmly,hope evident in his eyes.

Jin only nodded,and tapped the blonde's shoulder lightly,then giving him a 'fighting!' motion before coming out of the room.

Taehyun also came out of the room a few minutes later,definitely encouraged.

"I'll get you back,Beomgyu.I'll fight for us." he said to himself.

Beomgyu POV

He was sick of staying inside his house,so he decided to go out.A bodyguard was following him,of course,as per his dad commanded.

Where did he go?

Well,he went to the flower shop where Hoseok was working and bought a bouquet of sunflowers.

"Sunflowers huh?Going to Yoongi's burial?" Hoseok asked.

"Yea,wanna come hyung?" Beomgyu offered.

"Sure,just give me a few minutes to tell my boss."

Some time later,the two of them(along with Beomgyu's bodyguard) arrived at Yoongi's burial.At first,the two of them were silent.

"I miss you hyung." Beomgyu said as he laid down the flowers besides Yoongi's gravestone.

"I miss you,love." Hoseok also spoke,rubbing Yoongi's name engraved on the gravestone gently, "I wish you were still with us."

After a few more minutes of silence,Hoseok asked Beomgyu,

"It's been a while since you've visited him,is something bothering you?"

"Well,the thing is..."


"I'm dating someone..."

"I assume it's a boy then,based on your reaction."


"They found out,didn't they?" Hoseok sighed as he can feel what the younger was feeling.

"It's gonna be alright Beom." he comforted the latter,hugging him softly.

"I can't do anything without him,hyung.I love him so much." he cried.

"I know you do." the older caressed the raven haired's locks gently.

"Why did my parents end up like this?Why are they so against the relationships that we have?I don't want to live like this anymore.I don't want to live in a life where there are full of restrictions.I want to love freely,without anyone or anything against it.I'm tired of this life hyung."

"It'll be fine Beomgyu,you'll be fine.You just have to fight for what you have.And if your love is strong enough,then nothing else matters.Hang tight Beomgyu,I know you're strong,just like your brother."

"Yeah he is,he was so strong especially when he fought our parents just to be with you." he smiled at the thought.

"Ahh,I miss being in love.But I know Yoongi still loves me,up until this point." Hoseok looked up the sky,lips forming a heart shape as he smiled,and breathing in slowly,feeling the gentle breeze passing by his face.

Beomgyu,as well,looked up the sky and smiled.

"So,what's the boy's name?" Hoseok said in a teasing tone.


"Oh,Taehyun?As in blonde haired boy that's slightly smaller than you with a killer jawline,big nose and big eyes?" he questioned.

"Good memory hyung,yes that Taehyun.I remember he told me that he bought flowers from you awhile back."

"Yea,great kid.And he was so excited to give the flowers to you and even said it's for someone becoming special to him."

"Special huh?" Beomgyu chuckled at the thought.

"Well,nice seeing you again Beomgyu," Hoseok looked at his watch before continuing, "I have to go,my break is about to end,thanks for inviting me Beom."

"No problem hyung,thank you for comforting me."

"Anytime,kiddo." the older winked his eyes before turning away.

He smiled,before looking at his brother's gravestone. "I miss being called 'kiddo' hyung."

Beomgyu sat on the grass,not being bothered about his pants getting dirty,and started talking to the gravestone,trying to talk to Yoongi in that way,and telling stories about himself and Taehyun.

He was definitely feeling better that day.

(^ω^) two povs of them being comforted bcs y not

this is the end of update today

i'll be posting the last updates maybe next week?idk bcs i'll be busy

but i hope you wait patiently as always>-<

i hope you'll give these some love

have a great day everyone!<33

p.s i read all of ur comments even if i'm doing something and reply to them sometimes

sorry if i haven't replied,but i appreciate them all<333

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