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Soon,the two arrived at the park.Beomgyu was still sleeping on the younger's shoulder,mouth slightly open.


"Beomgyu" Taehyun tapped the raven haired boy's thigh softly to wake him up. "Wake up,we're here"

Beomgyu flinched as he woke up,his eyes still half-lidded,causing the younger to chuckle at the sight.

"Let's go." Taehyun said as the other boy rubbed his eyes before standing up.

"So...what are you gonna do here?" Taehyun asked.

"You'll see"

As they approached the center of the park,Beomgyu stopped in front of the fountain.People were gathering around him especially senior citizen,looking like they are anticipating something.

Beomgyu retrieved his guitar from Taehyun,and after that he starts playing.

When I was a young boy I was scared of growing up
I didn't understand it but I was terrified of love
Felt like I had to choose but it was outta my control
I needed to be saved, I was going crazy on my own
Took me years to tell my mother, I expected the worst
I gathered all the courage in the world

(a/n:do y'all know this?sorry I'm including a lot of unfamiliar songs but I really liked western songs before kpop so...)

Taehyun only stared at the boy performing on the front.He was fascinated by how passionate Beomgyu was while singing,it's like he was expressing all his feelings through his song.It was his first time listening to his voice,but he knows that he fell even harder for the older.

She said, "I love you no matter what
I just want you to be happy and always be who you are"
She wrapped her arms around me
Said, "Don't try to be what you're not
'Cause I love you no matter what"
She loves me no matter what

He didn't know the song whatsoever,but he found comfort,with the song and with Beomgyu.

He also noticed the people around them swaying slightly while listening to the performance.While the younger people were recording Beomgyu through their phones,the senior citizens were just enjoying the song and even dancing slowly with their spouse.It was sweet.

Taehyun stared at the senior couple that were dancing,chins nuzzling on each other's shoulder,hands intertwined together.He wondered how it would feel to be with someone for so long and still cherish them so much.

Taehyun wanted that.


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