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—timeskip —

The couple was hanging out this time on Taehyun's house.The two were just cuddling on the bed while Beomgyu was reading a book.Taehyun was sitting upright the bed while Beomgyu leaned towards the younger's chest,body in between the latter's legs.

Taehyun suddenly thought about the day when Beomgyu went to his house crying about his brother.



"About that night,why did you suddenly cry and went to my house?I mean,Soobin is your bestfriend and you've known him longer."

"I don't know,my guts told me that I wanted to see you."

"Thanks to your guts,we got together." the younger chuckled.

"Yeah,yeah sure Hyunnie." Beomgyu rolled his eyes playfully.

"But why did you suddenly cry and vent out though?I mean your brother,well—died— three years ago." Taehyun carefully said.

"That day was his 3-year death anniversary,so I got kinda emotional."

"Ohh,okay.Well how about Hobi-hyung?Did the two of you meet?"

"You know Hoseok hyung?Like personally?" Beomgyu asked,eyes full of curiosity.

"Yeah.Remember when I gave you flowers?Turns out he was the florist there.We even talked for a while.He was so kind and bright."

"Yeah,Yoongi hyung loved him so much.He always mentioned Hoseok hyung to me about how he loved him so much."

"I'm glad the feelings are reciprocated." Taehyun smiled,remembering his conversation with Hoseok.

"When I started working here 5 years ago,I didn't really like flowers.I just wanted to have a job,but when my boyfriend said that sunflowers remind him of me,they instantly became my favorite."

"What do you mean?" Beomgyu asked.

"It's hard to explain.But I know Hoseok hyung loved Yoongi hyung as much as Yoongi hyung loved him.It's kinda sad that they didn't grow old together."

"Speaking of,I'm scared Hyunnie." Beomgyu frowned,lowering the book he was reading.

"Scared of what Beommie?" Taehyun said as he started caressing the boy's raven hair.

"I'm scared of us,I'm scared of what would happen to us when my parents find out that I'm dating someone,especially a boy.You know how my parents are.I don't want to leave you,and I also don't want you to leave me."

Taehyun leaned down to kiss the older's forehead, "I won't leave you,Beom.I don't care if your parents don't like our relationship,I'll fight for you,I'll fight for us.I'll make them see that you're worthy enough to be loved and I'll prove it to them how I love you so much and that you deserve everything.Don't worry love,I'll always be with you,I promise."

"Thanks,Hyunnie.You're the best."

"I know."

"Psh,you're so full of yourself."

"But you still love me." Taehyun teased.

"Yeah,yeah whatever." Beomgyu put his book down the nighstand and hugged Taehyun fully as he face planted in the latter's chest, "Enough talking,I want cuddles."

"Okay,as you wish Beommie."

They remained in that position until they fell asleep,both smiling as they dreamt of each other.

It was a good,good night.

♡^▽^♡ some more fluff

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