Ch. 2 - Memory Loss

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Malcom is going to kill me when I got back to the house. I'm already shaking, and I haven't even left the room yet.

These people are telling me that Malcom is in prison, but I don't believe them. Just this morning, I saw passed out on the couch from drinking the night before.

"Campbell, you need to calm down. You're in Midville, West Virginia. You're not in Los Angels," one of the guys with dark blonde hair said, trying to get me to calm down.

"Who are you people?" I asked them, slightly shaking.

"Campbell, we're your family," the only woman in room said as stray tears rolled down her face. I also noticed that she was pregnant.

I shook my head,"No. I don't have any family."

Before any of them could say anything, a tall man walked into the room with a clipboard in his hand.

"Campbell, are you feeling?" He asked me, looking up from his chart.

"Okay, I guess. These people are saying they are my family, but I don't know them," I said, glancing over at the guy holding my hand.

He still hasn't let go as his eyes were watching me. Now that I got a look at him, he was actually pretty handsome.

Omg? Why am I thinking about that?

"Campbell, I know this going to be hard to understand, but they are your family. Lisa  and Ross are your mom and dad then you have your brothers, Elliot, Nick, Gavin, Gaberial, and Micheal. They adopted you this past June," the doctor explained, making my look around at them.

"W-what?" I asked him, not believing a word he says.

"You are suffering from memory loss caused by the brain bleed from the car accident. I have reason to believe you had a small brain bleed before you got into the accident," the doctor informed me, looking over at my family.

The people around me looked at each other with concern.

"Has she fallen in the last month?" The doctor asked them.

"Jax pushed her down the school's stairs a month ago," the guy who was holding my hand said with a scowl.

The doctor nodded,"That makes sense."

"Who's Jax?" I asked them.

"Nobody," the doctor replied before anybody could say anything. "Lisa, Ross, may I speak to you outside?"

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