Ch. 34 - Welcome to New York

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Instead of being in my warm bed, I was loading a half warm charter bus. Brent and I sat in the very back away from everybody, and Nichole and Nick sat in front of us.

"I'm going back to sleep," I told Brent as I snuggled in the warm blanket.

I'm so glad I chose to wear black leggings and one of Brent's sweatshirts. I was going to dress up all cute since we are going to New York, but when I realize what time we had to leave, I changed my mind real fast.

"Me too," he agreed, putting the hood, of the hoodie I bought him for Christmas, over his head.

I laid my head on Brent's arm as I brought my knees up to the seat. I laid sideways almost, but it was actual pretty comfortable.

I wrapped my arms around his arm, and he rested his head on my head.

Within a few minutes, we were passed out in each other's arms.


After we woke up, we watched five episodes of The Originals. We then took a break, and we decided to play Uno.

To say it got competitive is an understatement.

We played for over an hour before we both put in an earbud. I turned on our playlist we made which contains our favorite songs.

But finally, we made it to New York City.

I stared in awe as I looked out the window at the city. It was snowing lightly, and I smiled.

It was beautiful, and I was speechless.

When the bus parked, everybody got their things before getting off this death trap. We got our luggage from the storage area, and I continued to look around.

This city was way bigger than what is shown in tv shows and online.

"Oh my goodness! You guys are finally here!" Maya's voice exclaimed, making me look to our left.

Maya came walking towards us, and she gave me and Brent a hug. When Nick and Nichole exited the bus, Maya hugged them too.

"The car is over here," Maya said after we grabbed our bags.

We followed her to a black SUV, and it looked brand new. Nick and Brent put our luggage in the trunk as Nichole and I climbed into the vehicle. There was three rows, and the boys sat in the the last row.

Maya sat down beside me before shutting the door. There was a man in the driving seat, and he stayed silent the whole time.

"Back to the penthouse, Maya?" He asked after we all buckled in.

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