Ch. 43 - Leverage

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I groaned as I opened my eyes. I blinked a few times, and I looked around to see that I was in a motel of some sort.

When I tried to move, I realized that my hands were taped to each arm rest. My ankles were taped together also. Panic went through my body, and I tried to scream, but it was muffled because a pice of duct tape was covering my mouth.

Then everything came rushing back to me.


As soon as Brent went upstairs, I stood up from the couch wanting to stretch. Evie stood up also, and that's when I noticed it.

Her splint was on her right hand, but the other day in the store it was on her left.

I looked back up at Evie to see her smirking.

"You're lying. Dean never hurt you, did he?" I asked before a wave of dizziness hit me. I stumbled back, holding my temple.

"You are very observant, but not very smart. I'm disappointed, Campbell," Evie replied, making my eyes snap down at the coffee cups.

"What did you do?" I asked her as the whole world started to spin more.

"Don't worry, Campbell. You are going to be perfectly fine," Evie said, walking over to me.

My vision started going in and out, and when I went to scream for Brent, Evie covered my mouth and she put something sharp against my neck.

"Come on. We got to get going before your boy toy comes down here and ruins everything," Evie hissed, wrapping an arm around my waist. She threw my other arm around her.

"Brent," I tried to scream but it came out as a whisper.

My eyelids felt so heavy, and I felt sick. I couldn't fight back if I tried.

Evie dragged me outside, and she unlocked her car. She opened the back door before pushing me back there. She put on the child lock before slamming the door shut.

"No. Evie please don't," I said, quietly, trying to focus on getting out of here.

She opened her door, and she climbed into the driver's seat. Evie turned on the engine, and she started backing up from her driveway.

"Evie, please," I tried again as I tried to open the door.

"Get some rest, Campbell. You are going to need it," Evie replied before switching the gears into drive.

A few tears slid down my cheeks, and I couldn't fight anymore. I wanted to fight so bad, but everything was so heavy and I was so sleepy.

The last thing I saw was Evie switching on her blinker.

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