Ch. 42 - She's gone.

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WHEN ALEC PARKED THE CAR in front of a small yellow house, I knew it was time

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WHEN ALEC PARKED THE CAR in front of a small yellow house, I knew it was time. We were going to find out if Dean was abusing Evie.

Alec turned off the engine, and we all got out of the car. Alec walked in front of Campbell and I, and I had my arm wrapped around Campbell's waist to keep her away from him.

I do not trust Alec one bit. And it's not just because he's the son of a guy who was trying to hurt Campbell. He was in the hospital when she was pushed, and he was one of the last people to see Peyton alive.

Alec knocked on the tan door before stepping back. The door opened a few minutes later, and it was Evie at the door.

And just like Campbell said her lip was busted.

"Alec? What's going on?" Evie asked, stuffing her hands in her jacket pockets.

"Evie, we need to talk," Alec said, softly.

Evie nodded,"Okay. Come on in."

She pushed the door more so we could walk in the house. As we walked into the living room, Evie shut the door behind us.

"Do you guys want something to drink? I just made tea, but I also have water," she asked, nervously.

"I'll take some tea," Alec replied, kindly.

"Anybody else?" Evie asked, making Campbell and I shake our heads no. "Okay. Make yourselves home. I'll be right back, and we can talk about whatever."

She was so calm right now, and this was not the Evie I met in the hospital two months ago. She seems scared.

Alec and Campbell sat on the brown couch. I noticed they were sitting next to each other so I squeezed my way between them.

"I really like this spot," I told them as Alec gave me a dirty look.

Campbell rolled her eyes, but I could care less. If Alec was going to try anything, he was going to have to go through me first.

As we sat on the couch, waiting on Evie to return, I took the opportunity to look around her house. There was stairs going upstairs, and there was pictures on the walls of Evie and her parents.

"Alright. Here we go," Evie said, returning to the living room with two coffee cups. She handed one to Alec, and she sat in the recliner before taking a sip of hers.

Alec took a long sip before setting it on the glass coffee table in front of us.

"So what's so urgent you have to come talk to me at ten fifty at night?" Evie asked, setting her mug down on the coffee table also.

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