Ch. 4 - Charm

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IT HAS BEEN two whole days since I seen Campbell

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IT HAS BEEN two whole days since I seen Campbell. I have been wanting to see her, but my parents have kept me home since I just got released from the hospital.

It physically hurts me that I can't go see her. Her blue eyes, her beautiful smile, and everything about her stayed in my head for the last forty-eight hours.

"Mom, please," I begged as I put my plate in the sink.

It was after dinner, and I was helping my mother with the dishes. Vanessa was in the bath while Xavier was playing a video game in his room.

"Sweetie, you and Campbell need some rest and time to process what happened," Mom replied as she put a cup in the dishwasher.

"Mom, if it were Dad that lost his memory, you would try and see him every chance you got," I shot back, angrily.

She sighed,"You're right, but I know there is something else that's wrong. What happened in the hospital?"

I haven't told my parents about what Campbell said in the hospital. The only person I told was Nick, and I'm pretty sure he told the rest of the boys.

"It's nothing," I mumbled, putting another dish into the washer.

My mother stopped what she was doing, and she placed a hand on her hip. I glanced at her to see her with a raised eyebrow.

"Brent James, it is not nothing. You can't sleep, you barely eat, you are in the same clothes as yesterday. You are acting like she broke up with you," Mom said, titling her head to the side a bit.

I didn't respond or even reacted to what she said. When Campbell broke up with me at homecoming, she knew something was wrong when I stepped into the door.

I told her everything that happened, and she scolded me for lying, but she did everything in her power to make me feel better.

My mother slightly gasped when it clicked in her head. "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"She said that she can't love me since she doesn't know me," I said as the words broke my heart even more.

"But you guys spent everyday in the hospital together?" My mother asked, confused.

I sighed,"We did, but I sat in the chair in the corner the whole time. We didn't really talk."

"What's your plan? How are you going to get her love back?"

"I don't know. Try and let her get to know me then ask her on a date. I really haven't thought it through," I said, leaning against the counter.

My mother clasped her hands together,"I have an idea! You could take you on your previous dates you guys had!"

"That's a great idea, but she's not going to go on a date with a total stranger."

"Honey, you charmed her once, you can do it again," Mom said before shutting the dishwasher.

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