Ch. 6 - Dump Competition

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FOR THE LAST FOUR CLASSES, I have been thinking about what I told Campbell

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FOR THE LAST FOUR CLASSES, I have been thinking about what I told Campbell.

I know lying to her is what almost destroyed our relationship, but I have to lie to her. The doctor told the Cades that all of the trauma and pain Campbell faced within the past year can overwhelm her to the point she can go mental insane.

So in order from that happening, we aren't telling her anything about Jax, Clary, Malcom, or my betrayal. We have to keep things light and happy for her.

"I'm volunteering at the hospital tomorrow afternoon," Campbell informed me as we walked to lunch.

"That's great. You loved helping out at the hospital," I replied before things fell back in silence once more.

It has been like this whole day. One of us would try and start up a conversation, but it doesn't work out.

We walked into the lunch room, and we got into the line for food. Then an arm slung around my shoulder, and I looked to my left to see Nick.

"So have you heard?" Nick asked me, quietly, so Campbell couldn't hear. I looked over at her to see her in her whole world.

"Heard what?" I asked him, glancing back at him.

"Oh Gosh! Of course I would be the one that's tells you," Nick groaned with a scowl. "Why, oh, why?"

"What's going on, Nick?" I asked him with a serious tone.

He sighed before removing his arm from around my shoulders. "Okay, somebody find out you and Campbell are no longer together."

I furrowed my eyebrows together,"And?"

He ran a hand through his hair, nervously,"Uh, well, some of the guys in my last couple of classes were playing Dump and they chose Campbell as their victim."

Anger and jealously boiled inside of me. Don't get me wrong if Campbell wants to go on a date with another guy right now, then I won't stop her.

But when guys chose her for their competition, Dump, it becomes a whole different story. Dump was a game invented years ago by seniors boys, and it has stuck with the senior boys now.

First, they choose a girl to go after, and whoever is the first guy to make the girl fall in love with him, wins all the money. Then the boy dumps the girl in front of everybody, hence the name. Usually there are only five people playing this game every year.

"What? How many are there?" I asked him, clenching my fists at my sides.

"Six. I already told them to stay away from her or else they will get their asses beat, but I don't think they listened..." Nick said as his eyes looked at the scene in front of us.

I looked in front of me to see two guys, one I recognized, standing in front of Campbell who is now at the doorway of the entrance.

Before Nick could calm me down, I stalked my way over to them. I can't see Campbell's face, but I know she's frightened.

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