Ch. 38 - "Please believe me, Campbell."

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FOR THE PAST COUPLE NIGHTS, Brent would sneak in around midnight and leave around five in the morning

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FOR THE PAST COUPLE NIGHTS, Brent would sneak in around midnight and leave around five in the morning.

We would watched movies or just cuddle with each other.

For New Years, my family and I watched the countdown on the tv and we celebrated with pizza and ice cream.

And now, it's two days before school starts back, and I'm wrapping up my essay for my English class.

I typed the last sentence before looking back through it. After multiple checks, I emailed it to my teacher before shutting my laptop.

"Hey, Cam, have you seen my phone charger?" Gaberial asked me as he came into my room.

I looked up at him,"The last place I saw it was in Nick's room."

"That liar! I asked him if he seen it, and he said he hasn't," Gaberial exclaimed before exiting my room, shutting the door behind him.

I smiled, and I got up from my bed. It was almost midnight, and I needed to take a shower. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand table.

Then I walked into my bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I turned on the shower before stripping from my clothes, throwing them in the hamper. I turned on a random playlist before stepping into the shower.

Stepping into the warm water, I felt relieved. I have been working on that essay all day, and my mind hurts from it.

"She got her own things. That's why I love her," the music played.

I washed my hair and my body before turning the water off. Wrapping a towel around me, I stepped out of the shower.

I walked into my closet, and I put on a t shirt and a pair of black shorts. I brushed my hair and my teeth.

Then I walked out of my bathroom, and I was about to sit on my bed until I remembered that I left my phone in the bathroom.

Groaning, I walked back into the bathroom to see my phone sitting beside the sink. I grabbed it, and I looked at myself in the mirror.

That's when I saw a stain on my shirt. I walked back in my closet, and I switched shirts. As I slid on the new shirt, I heard my window open and close.

"I thought you said you weren't coming until later," I said, walking out of my closet.

Brent's grandparents are leaving tomorrow so they went out to the city for the whole day. Brent was going to take a quick nap before heading over here since he's been up since six this morning.

"Brent?" I asked, walking out of the bathroom.

I stepped out of the bathroom to see that nobody was in my room.

"What the-..." I started to question but was cut off by a hand covering my mouth. Another hand knocked the phone out of my hands before wrapping around my lower arms.

I tried to scream, but it was muffled. I struggled in the person's grip, but they weren't letting go.

"Campbell," Alec's voice whispered in my ear, making shivers go down my spine. "Please calm down. I need to explain what happened."

I struggled some more. I'm not going to give him the chance to hurt me again.

"Please," Alec begged, making me stop fighting.

I nodded, and he asked,"If I let go, please don't scream. I promise you that I'm not going to hurt you."

I nodded once more, and he removed his hand from my mouth. I stepped out of his grasp, and I turned around. I backed myself up so I was beside my nightstand table.

"You have five minutes. If you even think about doing something, I'll scream," I told him, trying to calm my breathing.

Alec nodded, understanding what I said. Now that I was facing him, I could see that he looked like shit. He had dark bags under his eyes, and he looked pale.

"I take it that Luke talked to you?" Alec asked, taking a step forward.

I took one step back, hitting the wall, and hurt flashed on Alec's face.

"Yes. He told me that you are Malcom Fawn's son, and that Peyton didn't die from a car accident. She died from poison, and you are the number one suspect on both cases," I answered, clenching my hands by my sides.

"Campbell, the reason I didn't tell you about Malcom being my father is because I was scared that you would stop being friends with me. I know what he did to you and your family, and I need you to know that he means nothing to me. I hate Malcom with everything in me," Alec explained, running a hand through his hair.

"And what about Peyton? You two were arguing the night before she died, and Luke said that there was witness who said that you were beyond angry. When Malcom was beyond angry, he would snap."

"Peyton was pregnant with Dean's baby," Alec said, making my mouth drop.


"The argument happened because she wanted to tell Dean. She thought that this baby was a sign for them to get back together, but I knew Dean would only hurt her and the baby. He wouldn't change his ways for Peyton, and I sure as hell knew that he wasn't going to change for that baby. I told her that she shouldn't tell Dean, and we started arguing. Then she left, and I didn't see her for the rest of the night."

"So the whole car accident thing didn't happened? You lied to me, again."

Alec shook his head,"I didn't lie to you. The car accident happened, and I didn't know that Peyton was poisoned until Luke interrogated me for the first time. It was a couple days before you came back to the hospital after your car accident."

"Maya told me that the day I was pushed you went back into the hospital to get your keys."

Alec nodded,"I did. I took the elevator, and I'm sure there is security footage that has me in it. I didn't see you or Brent so I thought you two already went down."

"How do I know you are telling the truth?"

"Because you know deep down that I would never hurt Peyton or you. Hell, the car accident happened because I was speeding my way to the hospital. Peyton came over to my house to apologize and she fainted. I caught her before she fell, and her pulse was weakening. I thought it had something to do with the baby."

I stayed silent, and Alec said with watery eyes,"Look, somebody killed my best friend and her baby and they attempted to kill you. We need to figure out who it was before they hurt somebody else I care about. Please believe me, Campbell."

I know that he could by lying, but my gut is telling me that he isn't.

I nodded,"I believe you, Alec."

Alec released a deep breath he was holding, and he looked happy that I believed him.

"We are going to find out who killed Peyton and her baby. I promise," I promised him, stepping away from the wall.

And I wasn't going to break my promise.


Hey guys!!


ALSO thank you guys for 2 million on Foster Brothers!! I love you guys! Your support means everything to me!

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