Ch. 24 - Memories

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I WAS IN MICHEAL'S BEDROOM. He was on his bed, facing away from me, and it looks like I was comforting him.

"It's my fault that I'm getting bullied," Micheal said, still facing the wall.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Micheal, this is not your fault. You are the victim here."

"If I was normal, they wouldn't go tell me to kill myself or leave hurtful notes in my locker," Micheal argues, facing me. I saw dried tear stains on his cheeks along with a bruise starting to form.

"Being normal is boring," I told him, truthfully.

"You don't get it," Micheal replied, sitting up on his bed.

"What don't I get, Mic? You are talking to the girl who is the most least normal person ever," I said, but he shook his head, angrily.

"Yeah, but at least you have sparks with the opposite gender!" Micheal said before placing a hand over his mouth.

"W-What?" I asked, confused.

He took a deep breath before saying,"I don't feel sparks with Jordan, okay. I don't feel them with any girl. It doesn't matter if it's at school or on the tv. I don't feel attracted to girls."

"Micheal, do you like boys?" I asked him, titling my head a little.

He slowly nodded,"Yes. Or at least I think I do."

I smiled,"That's amazing, Micheal. I'm happy for you."

The memory disappeared, and then I was in a hospital. I was in a wheel chair, and Ross was pushing me into a room.

Brent was laying in the bed unconscious with a tube in his mouth. He had a bruised cheek from the fight with Malcom. There was a lot of machines around him.

The only thing that I was focused on was the rise of his chest. Dad pushed me over to him, and I held Brent's hand. Dad grabbed the bag from me, and it hung it on the metal holder.

"I'll give you a moment," Dad said before leaving the room.

I nodded before looking back at Brent. I licked my lips, nervously.

"I'm sorry, Brent. I'm so sorry," I apologized, looking at him. "You're in a coma because of me. You took the bullet for me. I'm so sorry."

"It's scary seeing you like this. Usually you would be smiling and calling me princess. I do anything to hear you say that right now. Brent, you have to fight.

You can't leave your family or the boys. You can't leave me," I said as silent tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I need you. I can't lose you, Brent. I'll give you as much Goldfish as you want, I'll watch horror movies with you even though I'm terrified of them, and I'll give you back all of your hoodies. Just please don't leave me," I sobbed.

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